LOS ANGELES—A survey of adult movie fans on the subject of virtual reality (VR) reveals that the availability of porn movies would influence more than 60 percent of them to adopt the new technology. The survey was conducted by leading adult company Vivid Entertainment among readers of online review site XCritic.com.
The survey indicated that VR is still in its infancy among fans of adult movies, with just 10.3 percent of respondents saying they currently own a VR headset. Of those who have headsets, the most popular brands are Oculus Rift, Google Glass and Playstation VR. Among those planning to buy a headset, 30.5 percent said they plan to get a Playstation VR while 13.4 percent lean toward the Microsoft Holo Lens.
Asked how much the availability of VR porn content will influence whether they get a VR headset, 44.1 percent said it will have “some influence” while 18.3 percent said “it’s the main reason I’d get one.” But, availability of porn would have no influence among 18.3 percent of the respondents and 19.4 percent said they have no plans to get a VR headset.
Among respondents who plan to get VR, 34 percent said they are definitely planning to purchase porn content, while 46.8 percent said they are not sure they will buy adult content and 19.1 percent said they definitely will not buy porn. Movies with a story line would be preferable among 41.3 percent of the respondents. Among those planning to buy VR porn, 58.2 percent said they would be willing to pay $20 for an adult VR movie, 24.2 percent said they would pay $30, 4.4 percent would pay $24, while 3.3 percent would pay $50 and 9.9 percent would pay as much as $60.
For more information, email jackie@vivid.com.