LOS ANGELES—Six live sex shows with six different female guests will be produced by Erotique Entertainment’s broadcast division, ErotiqueTV, between tonight and Monday.
"All six of these women are incredible performers who love showing what they’ve got for their fans," Erotique Entertainment CEO Eric John said. "As you can see, Erotique appreciates and provides a multi-ethnic lineup of performers, some extremely well known and some brand new. I’m very proud of this lineup and this group of performers.”
The group of boy-girl feature sex shows stars John with a different featured female star every show. The six-pack of shows includes:
Sat 10 a.m. PDT - Giselle Leon
Sat 6 p.m. PDT - Gia Steel
Sun 10 a.m. PDT - Kimberly Kendall
Sun 6 p.m. PDT - Raven Bay
Mon 10 a.m. PDT - Leah Cortez
As with all of ErotiqueTV’s broadcasts, a simultaneous POV feed also will be available on ErotiqueTVcams.com on ErotiqueTV’s “EricJohnsPOV” channel. ErotiqueTV is the only live broadcaster offering simultaneous overall and POV views of every broadcast every day.
Erotique Entertainment Inc. broadcasts ErotiqueTV seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. ErotiqueTV currently can only be viewed live at the schedule broadcast times, as the sex is happening, as it was intended – an interactive live experience.
Morning or early afternoon “ErotiqueTV Sex Daily” broadcasts can be seen here.
Late afternoon or evening “Late Night Fantasy” broadcasts can be seen here.