TEMPE, AZ—Global e-commerce solutions provider CCBill has announced a new initiative to help new North American merchants get started processing payments. For a limited time, anyone who starts a new CCBill U.S. or Canadian account before December 31 will receive a discount of up to 10 percent off normal rates for the first six months of processing. Additionally, if the merchant chooses to offer Visa as a payment option and requires a high-risk Visa account, the corresponding initial registration fee Visa requires is eligible for a full rebate from CCBill.
“We understand it can be difficult for merchants to launch new businesses and try out new online models. They have a lot on their plates and selecting a reliable payment processor, while important, can seem like a big investment,” said Gary Jackson, managing VP of sales and Internet markets for CCBill. “Our new initiative is aimed at providing these merchants with a processing service that will consistently deliver payouts and meet their needs, while at the same time providing a bit of a cost break as they embark on new endeavors.”
CCBill brand manager Jason Kirk added, “More than 60 percent of all online transactions are running on the Visa network. Not surprisingly, new U.S. merchants want to be able to offer Visa as a payment option to their consumers. By rebating the initial registration fee for new Visa accounts, we are removing what at times can be a significant obstacle for these new merchants."
To learn more about this CCBill initiative, visit here or contact the CCBill sales team by email at [email protected] or by phone at (855) 4-CCBill.