Williams Trading Co., System JO Add More Courses to WTU

PENNSAUKEN, N.J.—Williams Trading Co. and System JO have added new courses to their leaning model designed to educate retailers on the basics of selling lube.

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“This six-part series from System JO will be a great way to help improve sales and help salespeople feel confident when answering customers questions about lubricants. The last course is sure to have users feeling an abundance of confidence once they graduate from all six courses,” said Scott D., director of sales and marketing.

Store associates who a complete the series will also receive a free gift upon certification.

Williams Trading Co., a System JO Preferred Partner, has exclusively launched the new e-learning mini-series to teach the ins and outs of selling lubricants. The full series are available now. You can view the new System JO modules on Williams Trading University here.

The complete line up of System JO’s Lube 101 courses is now complete. This multi-course series offers content that will have you confident answering all the questions your customers may have. The newest courses include “System JO: Water Based Lubricants” and “ Selling Lubricants,” which are the final courses in this mini-series. In the “System JO: Water Based Lubricants” course users get to learn all of the ins and outs on the difference between water based lubricants and other lubes such as silicone, the benefits of using water based lube, the best time to use these types of lubes and key selling points to help close sales.

In the informative “Selling Lubricants” e-learning course users get a chance to learn very unique and different ways to sell more System JO. This course is filled with simple and easy tips on how to close a sale, upsell and inform customers on different types of lubricants. This final course in this six-part series leaves the user with all the knowledge they need to feel confident when selling lubricants. At the end of this series learners will feel like they are on their way t o becoming lubricant experts, thanks to System JO Lube 101 e-learning courses.

Williams Trading University (WTU) is a free resource provided to our dealers with the collaborative support of our vendors. Since its September 2015 launch, WTU has certified over 85,000 store associates, impacted retail sales growth, and provided a better store experience for all customers. View the complete portfolio of e-learning courses here at www.wtulearn.com

The full System JO line is now in stock for immediate shipment. Williams Trading Co. offers drop shipment services for all e-commerce channels. For product ordering and shipping information, contact a Williams Trading sales representative at (800) 423-8587 or visit WilliamsTradingCo.com.