System JO Free E-Learning Courses Out At Williams Trading U

PENNSAUKEN, N.J.—Williams Trading Co. and System JO have teamed up to produce a series of new e-learning courses designed to educate retailers on the basics of selling lube.

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Williams Trading Co., a System JO Preferred Partner, has exclusively launched the new e-learning mini-series trough their Williams Trading University to teach the ins and outs of selling lubricants. The first three courses of the series are available now. You can view the new System JO modules on Williams Trading University here.

Store associates who a complete the series will also receive a free gift upon certification.

“This new mini series from System JO will be a great way to help improve sales and help salespeople feel confident when answering customers questions about lubricants,” said Scott D, director of sales and marketing.

This multi-course series offers content that will have you confident answering all the questions your customers may have. “System JO: Introduction to Personal Lubricants” is the first course of the multi-part series. In this course, you will learn why personal lubricants are necessary and ways that you can overcome objections to the sale. Course number two is “System JO: Basic Types of Lube”. In this second course, JO breaks down all the different types of personal lubricants. The third course available is “System JO: Science and Safety”, this course teaches about body-safe organic and PH-balanced formulas.

The full System JO line is now in stock for immediate shipment. Williams Trading Co. offers drop shipment services for all e-commerce channels. For product ordering and shipping information, contact a Williams Trading sales representative at (800) 423-8587 or visit