Kiiroo Holiday Season Campaign, Hard ‘n’ Happy, Launches

AMSTERDAM—Kiiroo announced the release of the Hard n’ Happy Holiday Season Campaign for 2019. 

At Kiiroo, the Hard ‘n’ Happy Holiday Campaign was created to do just the opposite: Turn the hard and stressful holidays into Hard ‘n’ Happy Holidays (pun intended).

With discounts of up to 60 percent off Kiiroo interactive products, Kiiroo is out to prove that not everything that is Hard is bad. Customers can buy Kiiroo products at deep discounts with the added value of epic orgasms.

Research has shown that the holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year. Because of this stress, people often turn to alcohol to alleviate the pain. Other research has found that 88 percent of Americans report that they need a vacation after the holiday madness is over. 

Through the spirit of giving, you will be able to gift yourself a present that will take your stress away and help you power through the holiday season.  

The holiday campaign plays on making holiday drinks to make your holidays Hard n’ Happy. Special cocktails featured are “The Hard-Throb,” “The Tight-End” and “The Escatiny”.

The Hard ‘n’ Happy Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale will run now through Dec. 5.

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