3D Gay Porn Studio Sees iPad as New Dimension

VANCOUVER, Wash.Trends in adult content change with the wind these days, but gay adult studio Dominic Ford is determined to stay on top of them. Late last week DominicFord.com claimed to become the first gay website to support HTML5 video streaming formatted specifically for Apple’s latest gotta-have device, the iPad.

The site launched iPad-compatible video on the same day the iPad hit store shelves.

During the first two weeks after the product’s release, DominicFord.com’s tech gurus said six of the top 30 keyword searches that led visitors to the website indicated the users had searched for iPad-compatible gay porn sites. During the same period, the iPad was the third most-popular device among DominicFord.com users.

“We are committed to providing top-notch adult content in 2D and 3D in any format our customers want,” producer and studio founder Dominic Ford said. “So, when something new like the iPad comes out, you can bet we will be the first to embrace it. Our numbers prove that this strategy is the right way to go.”

For more information, visit DominicFord.com.