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Katie Gold

Katie Gold

Age 47 (03/07/1978)
Height 162.56cm
Hair Color Blonde


Katie Gold is living proof that "good things come in small packages". Katie is a small girl, slender and almost elfin in appearance, but when she gets in front of the camera she changes into an insatiable, sexual, female animal with only one thing one her mind -- pleasure. Katie hails originally from Dallas, Texas where she still has a large and loving family. One of the things she remembers best from her "growing up" years is the passion she had for high school gymnastics. (Maybe that's where her amazing flexibility during sex scenes comes from?) After she finished school, she began dancing in some of the Dallas nightclubs. One night she was introduced to "this little old guy" who was "recruiting" girls for dance spots and porn films in LA. At the time it sounded to Katie like the fast track to becoming rich and famous, so she packed up and headed for California. It didn't take Katie long to catch the eye of porn directors and producers. With her innocent looking face, her 100% all-natural little body, big hazel eyes and a crown of shining blonde hair, she soon found herself in demand and getting a lot of work. She estimates that to date she has performed in approximately 250 features, and she still loves the work and the industry she's in. Katie says what she likes best about the adult business is the closeness and friendship among the performers - kind of like one big family. What she doesn't like are the directors/producers who call around until they find the performer with the lowest rate for a particular sex scene. Katie feels that the performers need to talk to each other more about rates, and maybe standardize some of their fees. This would reduce the competition among the actors/actresses, and would also prevent "bargain basement" talent from getting more than their share of the available work. This girl is not only cute as a button, she also has a brain! In her personal life, Katie is easygoing and enjoys simple things. She loves the outdoors, especially picnics, hiking, fishing and camping. She's a steak and mashed potatoes kind of girl and her radio is likely tuned to a station that features reggae and pop rock. Her favorite group used to be Sublime who recently reformed into the new band The Long Beach Dub All-Stars. During her more quiet times you'll find her hanging out with her three cats - Zoe, Moo, and Curie. (No wonder her friends call her "the cat lady".) Katie's immediate plans are to do more feature dancing this year and not to do so much movie work. If things work out right, she'd like to make this the year for a trip to Vancouver, British Columbia or maybe Australia. Her long-range plans include a big truck and a comfortable house (preferably shared with a special someone by then). She's straightforward and honest enough to tell you that her best physical attribute is her ass, and her best character trait is her ability to make friends with anyone. When she meets someone for the first time, she looks at their eyes before anything else to gauge what kind of person they are. She sums herself up this way: "I try to live my life with no regrets" and "I'm the most real person I know". We think Katie's pretty real too,,,real pretty, real nice, real successful and real sexy.