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Zumio Caress

Zumio Caress


The Zumio Caress is an updated version of the original Zumio. The Caress differs from the Classic not only in appearance, but also in function. The lighter purple Caress features a Spiro Tip that is shorter in length and covered in softer material. The Spiro Tip of the Caress still oscillates as opposed to vibrates, but at lower intensities than its predecessor: the Caress’ top levels of intensity match the lower levels on the Classic. The Zumio Caress is still used in the same manner as the Zumio Classic: Hold it like a pen or paintbrush and circle it around the clitoris and labia. Applying a little pressure on the area with the Zumio Caress helps deliver different sensations, so users can play with the item until they find the movement and intensity combination that works best.

Website: MyZumio.com

Colors: Purple

Power: USB rechargeable

MSRP: $$$$