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Y-Style Nipple Clamps + Clit Clamp
Manufacturer: Spartacus Leathers

Y-Style Nipple Clamps + Clit Clamp


At first look, the Y-Style Nipple Clamps + Clit Clamp might appear pretty basic, but the attention to detail makes it a piece worthy of stocking if you carry other nipple and clit clamps. The tweezer-style clamps for the nipples and genitals are easy to adjust to any pressure desired, making them versatile for a number of people. A silver chain that has some heft, but it not too cumbersome, links the three clamps and serves as the perfect piece to tug on for a little rougher play.

Retailing: Spartacus’ clamps are of the best quality, so they always sell well.
Materials: Metal, rubber coating
Colors: Silver
MSRP: $$