When famed inventor Nikola Tesla invented the Violet Wand at the turn of the 20th century, he probably never imagined that the bogus medical device – which was then purported to cure everything from rheumatism to gonorrhea – would one day become the darling of the BDSM community. Fortunately, kinky adventurers proved to be just as inventive as Tesla and were soon using the wand for healing of the sexual variety. This deluxe kit from JT’s Stockroom uses state-of-the-art technology to bring the Violet Wand into the 21st century. The wand base, which plugs into any outlet, accepts a wide variety of glass and steel attachments that provide a variety of electrifying sensations. Sparks literally fly when the wand is held near the skin, and the fully adjustable power allows for varying degrees of intensity. The seven attachments included in the sturdy carrying case will provide countless hours of shocking inspiration, and there’s even a body contact probe that transforms a person into a living electrical conductor for the ultimate power exchange. Truly a modern miracle.