Nothing is more unnerving than waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a tiny glow-in-the-dark penis hop across the table.
When I took home this little toy and wound it, my cat was curious. But you know the whole thing about curiosity and cats -- needless to say, I let this little pecker loose and it started going into convulsions all over the table. My cat, terrified to her very soul, fled in terror and wedged herself between the refrigerator and stove and it took a whole pound of Kitty Treats to get her out.
Later, I was having this lovely dream where Ben Affleck is covered in peanut butter and Matt Damon is covered in jelly and I'm wearing a big bread overcoat and we are just about to form a sandwich when I was awakened by this clattering sound.
Ms. Kitty had found the toy on the table and nudged it. I guess she's into dick as much as I am.