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Bam Realistic Cock
Manufacturer: Doc Johnson

Bam Realistic Cock


Even if love comes in all sizes, they're gonna hafta assign a WHOLE NEW ZIP CODE TO THIS MUTHAFUCKA.  The Bam Cock is, come on now folks, not all that Realistic.  Oh, sure, conceptually, or maybe in shape or color; however, while gay porn star Bam sports quite the anomaly, the dimensions of the Bam Realistic Cock are full-on monstrous.

I know how it is to work one's self into a hearty size-queen sweat and begin the serious consideration of things like the end of the hat rack or the leg of the Louis 14th chair for use as dildos, but even I haven't developed the lather it must take to get this bad boy up an orifice.

It's good to have goals.