Woodman Entertainment and Ninn Worx have launched their new collaborative website, featuring the Woodman Premier label feature, Xcalibur, as well as the company's forthcoming offerings.
Visitors will find news, biographies on Woodman's contract performers and directors, production schedules and release information on all of Woodman Entertainment's products. Inside, members can access Hi-Def trailers, galleries and exclusive downloads.
"This site has been a pleasure to create," said Ninn Worx President Michael Ninn. "Woodman Entertainment encompasses such a diverse esthetic, yet it can all be condensed into one powerful artistic statement of strength and durability. [Woodman CEO] Pierre [Woodman] has lived fifteen years on the frontline of adult entertainment, as have I. That's durability, and requires a lot of strength in your product."
"I have huge respect for Michael's work," said Woodman. "His creative talent and business acumen are a combination that gives me the greatest confidence in the future of the Woodman brand in North America, and the online marketing campaign that he is developing is just another example that the collaboration between Ninn Worx and Woodman Entertainment is a winning combination."
Ninn Worx has scheduled to release the Woodman Premier's Xcalibur Part 1 on May 16.
For more information, click here.