looking very much the super-sex-hero in white vinyl go-go boots and a billowing pink chiffon cape - assures the gaggle of beauties in wife-beaters and cut-offs standing before her that she "doesn't want to overwork anyone," and continues to apologize profusely for inconveniencing the group for the shoot's running late.
Everyone (including the upwards of 20 girls, and about the same amount of crew and press put together) seems to be quite happy to be here. The production's only about an hour behind, which in porn time means we're off to a reasonably good start. Wired Pink, directed by Kelly for her company Jill Entertainment, is being simulcast over the Net, much to the excitement of many a horny Web surfer.
Along the floor in front of the brightly-colored set are a row of computers clocking the goings on, which, once started, become an extraordinarily hot body pile-up of some of the finest pussy in the business. The sweaty knot of femalia produces an orgasmic yowl from Chloe here, a pair of spectacular legs yielded by Lola there, and plenty of busy tongues belonging to too many to mention.
The Webcast is so successful that it will be rebroadcast several times during July. No dates as of yet, but if you've sufficiently wiped off your keyboard and monitor after the initial bout of steam and want more, you can check in at www.wiredpink.com for the skinny.