CHATSWORTH, Calif. — Director Van Styles has signed an exclusive deal with Vouyer Media to produce one title per month, thus solidifying a working relationship already about a year old.
"A year or so ago, Hustler ended its contracts with directors and contract girls," Styles told AVN. "I'd been under them for a few years, so I saw it as an opportunity to work alongside other people, and always liked the presence Vouyer Media had through its movies and its box art."
Echoing that praise, owner Vince Vouyer commented, "I've always kept my eye out to see who's doing what and who's taking nice pictures as well as video, the whole well-rounded type of guy, and I've always had a good rapport with Van. He's got a great eye for dressing the girls and doing the fetish style ... patent leather, all that good stuff. I like what he's doing."
The first title Styles shot for Vouyer was Fetish Fucks, whose second volume just hit stores. Due as the initial release under the new arrangement is Slippin' Into Darkness, a white guy/black girl interracial offering.
"I'm always looking for some diversity in the company, as far as shooting styles and stuff like that, and I've always wanted to have kind of a mixed bag of directors here," Vouyer said. "[Styles has] never really had anybody critique him, and he'll openly admit that, which I thought was interesting. He likes the fact that I give a lot of input, and he's open to input, which is good, because some directors are very close-minded to other ideas, and when you get someone who's willing to work with you, good things come from it."
The decision to make Styles exclusive was a natural one, Vouyer said, because, "If I'm going to take my time and show somebody how to do stuff the way I'd like to see it released or edited or shot, for that matter, why would I want to teach someone who's not going to be making movies with me?"
Added Styles, "I prefer to be with one company, build a brand together with them, and I think for the stuff that I'm shooting - pure, hardcore gonzo - Vouyer is definitely a great place to be for that."
Slippin' Into Darkness is slated for release April 1. For sales contact Tony Cleary at (818) 993-5030 or [email protected].