If you’ve heard of putting Web traffic in the bank, you just might be interested in taking it literally enough to use Traffic Banking.
Here, according to Traffic Banking, is how it works: Suppose you have an existing site but you need starter traffic for a coming project. According to Traffic Banking, you leave your 404 or similar traffic from your incumbent site with Traffic Banking for a few months. Traffic Banking works that traffic while you wait for your new project to mature and, when you're ready, Traffic Banking sends the traffic you "banked" back to you to use on the new project.
"You're planning to open a new TGP," Traffic Banking says. "Bank the spare traffic from one of your existing sites with us, at, say, 5K a day for eight weeks. Then, when you open your TGP, redirect the traffic you were banking with us to it. We'll send your traffic back to you, measured over eight weeks. In other words you can open your new TGP with your existing traffic plus your banked traffic. You'll open your TGP with double the traffic you'd normally have!"
Much like having cash to spare at your usual bank, Traffic Banking thinks it's a good idea to have some traffic to spare at a traffic bank that you can reach out and bring in on short notice. "Just send a few hundred hits a day from your trade script that you will not even notice," Traffic Banking says. "Then if your script or hosting runs into problems you have traffic to get those trades going again. You can even just bank some and use it as a boost from time to time. The possibilities are endless."
You can even request a specific traffic type in return, Traffic Banking says, with Traffic Banking negotiating a deal based on what you want and the quality or volume of traffic you banked.
"For example you could bank 404 traffic with us," Traffic Banking continues. "We'll track your traffic and evaluate its value. Then you can request we return U.S. Geographically-IP targeted traffic that is clicking on targeted BDSM links. Of course the quality difference means we won't return the same volume; however, the targeting means it's of equal if not greater value to you."
So what's the catch? According to Traffic Banking, the site uses your traffic while you have it invested there, just the way your bank uses your money while you have it there. And, in turn, Traffic Banking itself grows as a resource and invests larger traffic volumes in their own trades, the site says.
They use custom-made scripts, fully tested, with the "most robust of C code using advanced memory management methods unheard-of in the TGP arena before." And the company says they have arrangements in place to call on external traffic sources if their own sites lack the required volume to return traffic on any niche or geographic location.
And Traffic Banking says they have their own ways of sniffing out fraud in the system. "We've created exclusive methods of fraud detection for the system," the company says. "A hacker with enough time and hard work might be able to defeat some of the more obvious systems in place. However they will never beat them all and we will catch them. So although some may see it as a challenge, [we] can assure them that their hard work will be wasted time. We reserve the right to cancel any fraudulent account."