Tony Soprano Meets Bobby Soporno

When contacted Tuesday morning, Rob Spallone said he already had gotten three phone calls about The X Show review, but Spallone apparently gets the last laugh. He said The Sopranos' star, James Gandolfini was coming over to the house to pay him a visit on Tuesday.

Spallone: "I heard they gave it a bad review. I already got three phone calls on it. They love to call me. But the guy who plays Tony Soprano is supposed to come up here today. He's supposed to come here with his manager. I want to get a picture: Bobby Soporno meets Tony Sorprano. He saw parts of the movie in some hotel. He liked it. He came out on Friday night for the SAG awards Sunday. He was supposed to have come here Sunday morning, but they went out Saturday night late and he didn't get up until late Sunday and had to be at the awards 3:30...but one bad review ain't bad.

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