The Fun Continues in Costa Rica

Friday dawned in Costa Rica with one of the most spectacular sunrises any of us had ever seen...make that all of us. As we rolled in on the buses and taxis from the various establishments here in Jaco Beach, one thing was abundantly clear: really nailed it this year. Ycaza from OC3 Networks and Michael Sperber from Astral Group said it together: "We've been looking forward to this show since last year, and it has really been worth the wait. What an amazing combination of business and fun."'s Thursday night's poker tournament was great and drew the incredible crowds that were expected. Bobby was sorely missed, although we were all happy not to be beaten quite so quickly as last year.

The seminars at midday got everyone out of bed to discuss offshore legal, billing, 2257, and a host of other related topics. Because of the great lineup of speakers, people came away really surprised at just how much they learned. That led into sun-soaked festivities and preparations for a late-night trip to the D'Pelufo strip club. The show rolls on, and if you didn't come this year, make your reservations's only going to get bigger and better.


Z is the marketing director for