Smash's 'Owner Gets Clipped' Debuts on GameLink

LOS ANGELES—Smash Pictures' skewering of fallen L.A. Cllppers owner Donald Sterling, Owner Gets Clipped, has debuted exclusively on

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Directed by Jim Powers, the movie casts veteran performer Kyle Stone as "Dick Spermling," with fellow industry stalwart Nina Hartley as his wife "Sissy" and Yasmine DeLeon as his assistant "Z." Stone says friends had him pegged for the lead role from the moment the Sterling scandal broke.

"They can't have some 22-year-old playing an 80-year-old man," Stone said. Having captured this year's AVN Award for Best Non-Sex Performance for his role in Wicked Pictures' Hotel No Tell, Stone, who performed only one sex scene in 2013, explained, "When Owner Gets Clipped came up, [producers] were unsure how a sex scene would go."

Nevertheless, he performed two of them for the movie, one with DeLeon and another with newcomer Harley Dean, both of whom he described as "really sweet."

"Believe it no," Stone joked, "[I'm 50] and I still know how to [copulate]."

See Owner Gets Clipped at