The following is an update of an interview given by Erin Sieman, 26, aka Charlise L'Amour, on this site yesterday. The names of Charlie Sheen and his bodyguard were originally kept out of the story, until the story could be verified.

Sheen and his bodyguard Curtis "Zippy Hunt" are now being sued in the alleged beating of porn stars L'Amour and Teri Starr who showed up at Sheen's Malibu home Monday night of last week.

Sieman, an "actress/dancer" "an overnight guest of on several occasions," according to court documents, claims she and her pal, former Las Vegas stripper Christina Lee Stramaglia [Teri Starr] were attacked by Sheen's bodyguard, "Zippy" Hunt.

Both women claim to have an "intimate" friendship with Sheen. In a complaint filed in L.A. Superior Court, L'Amour says Sheen allegedly invited the girls over to his house on July 26. But when they got there, the front gate was locked.

L'Amour claims she hopped the fence, as she'd done before "at Sheen's suggestion," and rang the bell. Hunt supposedly answered, and, according to court papers, "immediately punched [her] in the face with great force, breaking her nose and cheekbone." L'Amour says Hunt punched and kicked her, yelling, "Charlie does not want to bleeping see you! Get the bleep out of here!"

Stramaglia/Starr supposedly climbed the fence to rescue her bloodied friend. Hunt was to have lifted her off the ground by her hair, threw her down and "viciously" kicked her, the suit claims.

A cab sped the girls to a nearby police station, but they refused to file a criminal complaint "out of loyalty for their longtime intimate relationship" with Sheen. The next day, L'Amour claims, Hunt supposedly called at Sheen's request and threatened to kill her.

Sheen's lawyer labels the suit "frivolous" and says it was filed in revenge after Charlie took out a restraining order against the duo.

The women claim they've been unable to do any dancing since the alleged beatings. They're asking for more $50,000 in civil damages.

Ironically, Sheen and his brother Emilio Estevez are slated to play Jim and Artie Mitchell in Showtime's upcoming "Rated X," the Estevez-directed saga of the Mitchell Brothers.

Displaying an array of cuts and bruises on their bodies, both L'Amour and Starr were interviewed on Extra last night.

"He [Zippy] said we're both lucky we didn't have bullets in our head, L'Amour told Extra. Extra played a taped statement made by a taxi driver who is an alleged witness to the incident. "She started to come outside but he still pushing and punch her," the cab driver said. L'Amour and Starr took a cab to Sheen's home.

L'Amour admitted to Extra that she was drunk, however, in her interview on this site, yesterday, L'Amour claimed that she went to Sheen for help to keep her sober. L'Amour said she did have a drinking problem in the past.

An Extra reporter asked L'Amour why she didn't press charges against Sheen when she filed the police report.

"They didn't want to arrest Zippy...they wanted to arrest Charlie," L'Amour answered. However, L'Amour and Starr filed a lawsuit naming both Sheen and Zippy as defendants. The lawsuit files a complaint for battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence. L'Amour and Starr said they filed as "a way of winning back some respect".

"I was a completely innocent victim," Starr told Extra.

Extra also reported that Sheen is on probation until June 2000 after pleading no contest to slamming ex-girlfriend Brittany Ashland's head into the floor during a drug-fueled frenzy.

A Channel 9 news report interviewed Jeffrey Huron, attorney for L'Amour and Starr.

Huron: "They went up to the gate and rang the bell. Nobody answered. She [L'Amour] went over the fence, she had been told by Charlie that she had permission to do that..she rang the doorbell at the front door. Zippy answered the door, punched her in the face; she fell down. He started kicking her, punching her..she tried to get up."

Huron claims the taxi dancer, who was also punched, plans to file his own lawsuit.

In his statement, Zippy Hunt said he found L'Amour "hiding in the bushes". Hunt said when he asked her to leave she "became wildly beligerent [sic] and violent, attempted to force her way past me, demanded to see Mr. Sheen and refused to leave." Hunt also claims that Starr tried to hit him, that he escorted both women down the driveway towards the gate."

Sheen, through his attorney, has denied any wrongdoing. "Last Thursday, we had to get a restraining order because two women jumped the security wall at Mr. Sheen's home at 11 pm [Monday]... one of them apparently tried to get into the house," Zia Modabber, Sheen's attorney, commented. "In response to the restraining order the two women filed a completely frivolous lawsuit," Modabber added.

"Charlie's offerered both of them money before and they've never accepted money from him," attorney Huron added. "They're not doing this for money. They're doing this for justice."

Dr. Susan's New Millenium Party

Tod Hunter reports: "Take an old-but renovated-1920s speakeasy, with a large bar, erotic art gallery, performance space and TV studio. Add several hundred partygoersrepresenting the adult industry, the Internet adult community, and various hangers-on and friends of friends who heard about it during Erotica LA at the Convention Center around the corner. Mix well and stand back.

"That was the recipe for the CyberStars of the New Millennium party at Dr. Susan Block's speakeasy/studio/salon on Hope Street in downtown Los Angeles. While Dr. Block conducted interviews in her well-lighted bed in the TV studio area, the party was blasting away with people lined up three deep at the open bar, noshing on finger foods in the erotic art gallery, and hopping into the elevated bed in the performance space to be Webcast right next to the two-turntable DJ setup. Two women jumped at the chance to be in dildo artist Ray Cirino's outsize cello, one sitting high at the top, one suspended upside-down at the bottom, both with their backsides poking through holes in the front, penetrated by ebony-toned dildos connected to the cello strings that were bowed by concertmaster Cirino as they made beautiful music together.

"The party was a celebration of Web Power's Internet site, represented by Ira Weston and his wife Marsha, formally clad in tuxedo and evening gown, but not out of place among the more-casually-dressed partygoers.

"Contacted later by e-mail, Dr. Block called the evening "…an exciting mix of artists and exhibitionists, voyeurs and connoisseurs, porn stars and professors, cybersexpots and computer technoids-all celebrating, merrymaking and sharing their talents in art, music, dance, theater, fashion, conversation and sex. Our CyberStars of the New Millennium event really illustrated the fusion of the three potent arenas of sex, art and technology in one spectacular Saturday night."

"Rumor has it that the wait was two hours to get in at one point, but nobody dared go outside to check. Among those who did get in were Julian St. Jox, Valentino, Eric Price and Jill Kelly (all cooling their heels in line with Your Faithful Correspondent on the Hope Street sidewalk before we got in at 11:15), Mark Zane, Jacklyn Lick, Erotica LA impressario Ron Miller and galpal Brooke Hunter, Mickey G., Nancy Vee, Amia Moré, and about 500 other people whose names I didn't get.

Dr. Suzy & Dr. Laura Face Off in Celebrity Sleuth

Check out this month's issue of Celebrity Sleuth for "Pair O'Docs," uncovering "feuding Ph.D. therapists" Dr. Susan Block and Dr. Laura Schlessinger in a sensational eight-page spread/review. Though usually the Sleuth strives to remain neutral, in this particular doctoral-philosophical duel, the magazine comes out strongly against Dr. Laura's "strident…cruel and bullying" approach to sex and relationships, and solidly on the side of Dr. Suzy's "sensual spirit…modern philosophy of Ethical Hedonism and hatred of hypocrisy." For background on the feud, see Dr. Suzy's Dr. Laura Diaries.

Alan Miles writes: "Oh darn, Gene. Ever since I said Luke Ford was a fool and supported your position and that of Paul's and AVN's.....Luke took my site's link off of his. Of course, I still have a link to his site because I want as many people as possible to see what a phony he really is. Hell, our offices are just a few miles from Area 51 -- are we responsible for him even being here? Tell me it aint so! I'm gonna go grab my Luke, take a Ford and grab another cold beer and laugh about this imposter! Alan Miles, Sin City News,

African Sex Safari to Hunt Hookers

According to the Electronic Telegraph, a South African rancher has enraged local community leaders by planning to stage a motorcycle rally in which bikers will be invited to hunt down hookers with paintball guns.

The "sex safari" is the idea of Johan Maree, 49, who has invited 5,000 bikers for a long weekend of "enlightened fun" on his 3,000-acre game farm near the town of Ellisras, Northern Province. Bikers will pay 300 rand (£30) for three colour-coded pellets of paint which they can use to "hunt the whores" - prostitutes hired to run through the bush amid herds of impala, kudu and zebra.

A "handful" of male prostitutes will also take part for the amusement of female bikers. The human "game" will be paid about £20 per hour each, whether they are "caught" - splattered with paint, or not.

Maree dismissed critics of his plan as "people living in an outdated hypocritical age". Revellers would enjoy an "unusual weekend in the wild," Maree said. "What happened between hunters and hunted would be entirely up to consenting, fun-loving adults," he added.

But the Rev Theo van Blerk, head of the local Dutch Reformed Church, called the idea "disgusting and shameful". He and other church and community leaders were holding an emergency meeting to try to halt the event. "This is an open attack on the traditional Christian lifestyle we still cherish in this area," said van Blerk. "This is a God-fearing town and we are determined to keep it that way."

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals complained that wildlife on Maree's land would be "traumatised by the bedlam".

But 19-year-old Lindy, one of the sex workers who has volunteered to take part, said: "The fee is low, but it's an adventure and at least I should lose a bit of weight."

Raiderette Web Retailer Sues Microsoft Over Ads

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a Web site selling Oakland Raiderettes merchandise is suing Microsoft for allegedly linking the cheerleaders' Internet page to pornographic sites.

In a suit filed in San Francisco this week, Boathouse Row Entertainment Inc. alleges that Microsoft has hurt its image because it did not carefully monitor businesses using LinkExchange, an Internet advertisement service that the software giant acquired last November. Boathouse Row, based in San Anselmo, says LinkExchange placed banner ads on its cheerleader merchandise page that led football fans, regardless of age, to ``nude images and lewd sexual and illegal material including child pornography.''

The suit, according to the Chronicle, seeks unspecified monetary damages and an injunction that would prohibit the San Francisco- based LinkExchange from linking ``legitimate businesses that advertise on the Internet through its service with businesses that peddle pornography.''

Microsoft officials have denied the charge, saying that LinkExchange has a strict policy forbidding the advertisement of pornographic, racist or hate material. Spokesman Jim Cullinan said Microsoft has never seen the alleged offensive material.

`We don't believe there is any merit to this case,'' Cullinan said. ``And we think it is unfortunate that such an action has been filed.''

Sean Patrick Dunn, who owns Boathouse Row, licensed the right to sell calenders, posters and collectibles for the Raiderettes and other NFL team cheerleaders five years ago. He later became a member of LinkExchange's ``banner network'' to increase his company's visibility, his attorney, Mark Goodman said.

Dunn's site -- -- displays photos of bikini-clad Raiderette cheerleaders. It also offers viewers an opportunity to purchase products such as trading cards autographed by Raiderettes like Tania, Amber and Dawn.

Dunn declined to comment on the suit. However, according to the Chronicle, he received a call from officials with the Oakland Raiders in January, 30 days after joining Banner Network. The Raiders complained that banner ads running on Dunn's Raiderettes page enticed customers to link to sites with titles such as ``Brian's supermodels'' and ``100 percent hot babes.''

`You would click on them, and it would take you to sites with pornographic stuff on it -- the kind of stuff that goes beyond Playboy and Penthouse,'' Goodman said. ``There were all kinds of references to young Lolitas and hairless body parts.

``Boathouse Row is in the business of marketing professional sports teams,'' Goodman added. ``It does not want to be in the pornography business.''

The Oakland Raiders declined to comment on the lawsuit.


Ron Jeremy Waxes Nostalgic About the Billboard That Never Was

The concerted effort over at Metro's been to get Ron Jeremy's footprints enshrined on Hollywood Boulevard. That may or may not happen. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything about the billboard featuring Jeremy on Hollywood Boulevard [and Highland Ave.] that got pulled. The LA Times this past weekend featured a story about Jeremy's aborted web connection with recording star Kool Keith which created a mild uproar with execs at Columbia Records.

According to the Times, on the eve of his major label debut album, rapper/producer Kool Keith pulled the plug on an Internet site Jeremy was the site's official spokesman.

The site apparently features graphic photos and film clips. Though Keith isn't in any of the porn shots, it includes some of him doing some mainstream hanging out. One photo pictures Keith with a Columbia records exec. Keith's picture was set to appear on a Hollywood Blvd. billboard with Jeremy, with a slogan reading: "Kool Keith Tested, Ron Jeremy Approved."

Keith's manager Jeffrey Larner said, "It was my idea to do this, and I convinced him [Keith] it might be a cool thing. But he said he's trying to get away from that image." Push apparently came to show when a reporter for the Times called Columbia Records for comment about the site. Columbia had no official position, but Keith evidently took it upon himself to 86 the project to stave off some potential embarrassment. Larner said he would create another site with Jeremy's involvement but without Kool Keith.

Ron Jeremy had this to say: "Jeremy Larner called and wanted me to do the billboard with Kool Keith who's a very nasty, black rapper. He wanted me to be part of the website which is

"The thing was made clear that it doesn't mean you're hitting your woman. It means you're getting yourself up in gear, ready to go out and do things; psyche yourself up. It's a weird-sounding expression.

"I really didn't want to have another website. Right now, Mark Carriere owns for which I get a salary and a car. Seymore Butts had it before him.

"I said I'll do the billboard. I called Susan Yannetti at Metro to get her opinions on it. She was kind of against it. She said we're trying to get you a star on the walk of fame, Ron. 'We're trying to upgrade your image.' But I went against her advice. She gets the last laugh, now. I said I can't have another site, that would weaken me if I have too many sites out there, but I'll advertise it like an actor would and endorse it. We did the shoot. I was paid pretty good money. They wanted a couple of girls, so I hired Donita as one. I called other girls to do it. We did the shoot, and it [the billboard] was going up this week. It's a huge billboard, but it didn't work out. That was disappoint number #2 this month. Want to know what disappointment # 1 was?"

G. Ross: "You couldn't find a video shoot that offered takeout?"

Jeremy: "God, you're a bastard. Number 1 was really a heartbreak. I was at the original Woodstock 30 years ago. I was 16 working as a waiter in the Catskills. The original Woodstock was in that area. I was working a mile away at the Paramount Hotel. I got a dirt bike and took off after breakfast, went over the mountain top and heard Grace Slick sing Good Morning People with the Jefferson Airplane. Then I had to go back for lunch. That was all of Woodstock I caught. Whenever I hear her sing that, I still get chills.

"So I was invited to come back to Woodstock 30 years later and bring on the band, Limp Bizkit. Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit came up to me two months ago in front of a zillion witnesses and asked me to bring him on stage. I've faced huge crowds before, and I was really flattered. It's a real rush to face this kind of crowd. I said I would die to do it. He absolutely locked me in. They verified it. All of a sudden, in the last two months, he becomes the hottest thing on the planet. They've become bigger than Kid Rock and Korn. With a two day notice, I had my airplane tickets booked and everything, his record label just cancelled me and hired the dwarf Mini Me instead. I guess because they got so big they didn't want to be introduced by a porn star. I lost my chance to go back to Woodstock. I cancelled my trip. It really sucked. That was disappointment #1."

Mike Albo writes: "Gene: Does Luke Ford write anymore, or does he just reprint your site? (Notice how quickly my post to you went on Luke's site?)

Gene sez: "The question is, will Luke post this posting about your posting being posted?"

Mike Albo later writes: "While I've been letting a lot of what Luke Ford says about me slide, I have to respond to this dimwit's assertion that I only date women I employ at the magazine. First, this little bitch doesn't know a thing about my personal life. Second, this is just another attempt for this jerk to try and cause trouble for me. Luke, like I told you, I'm gonna break your fuckin' nose. But now I'm gonna give you a black eye too. I suggest that if you're going to continue writing untruths about me, you be man enough to walk down the street and and say whatever is on your mind to my face. Of course, sissy-boys like you never do the honorable thing."

Gene sez: "Mike, if it comes as any consolation, I will properly footnote your comments in MY history about the business."

Albo, later, in a follow-up call said that Ford called him and apologized for the "mean-spirited" and "uncouth" remarks that Ford posted on his site [about Albo dating employees]. Ford, according to Albo, also made some offer of conciliation, and Albo says he was weighing it. Unfortunately, Albo's mood for conciliatory gestures was short-lived when Ford posted additional comments that Albo was on smack, prompting Albo to write this:

Albo: "Regarding Luke's hilarious insinuation that I am "on smack." I'd like to issue to the following challenge to Mr. Ford. Luke, why don't you put your money where your mouth is. I'm willing to take a drug test right now. I'll even pay for it. However, if the test comes back negative and I am drug-free, I will then be allowed one punch in your face-with no legal repercussions. Are you man enough to accept?"

Johnny Toxic: The Upchuck Years

Johnny Toxic claims he's talking to Howard Stern's people about getting on the Stern show to hype his upcoming feature, The Vomitorium.

Toxic: "I haven't got the date yet, but I'm going on with two of the stars from my movie, Johnny Toxic's The Vomitorium."

G. Ross: "It sounds like a couples' feature."

Toxic: "It's a love story. Actually, it's girls solo, completely naked, masturbating and then retching and vomiting. We're going to have them do some beer-bonging, maybe drinking some vegetable soup. Then they're going to meet with Dr. Vomit who will teach them the finer points of vomiting. Then in Vomitorium Part 2 we're going to have the interactive version where they're going to have sex with the vomit."

G. Ross: "I think it's about time."

Toxic: "I don't think there's anything else anybody wants to see except a naked girl vomiting."

G. Ross: "With the possible exception of internal hemorrhaging."

Toxic: "People have said to me, is this a fetish? Well, it's going to be. I was supposed to shoot it two weeks ago for Mystic, but their funding hasn't come through yet. Some of the people involved are letting the word out. I thought I would call you before.."

G. Ross: "God forbid someone trying to steal that idea."

Toxic: "Exactly. I want to be the first. Maybe they'll consider doing the Toxic cover [AVN} like Ed Powers."

G. Ross: "Vomit might finally put you on the map."

Charlese L'Amour and Teri Starr Claim Assault at the Hands of Famous Film Star's Bodyguard; Death Threats

And you thought Kid Vegas was a wacky guy?

But, until this story can be verified through a bonafide news medium or police reports, we'll leave it with the fact that both Charlese L'Amour and Teri Starr are claiming they've been assaulted and threatened by the bodyguard of a very famous Hollywood actor. L'Amour claims a story about the incident will appear on Extra, Tuesday night. L'Amour also says she was going to have her attorney call me and fax the police reports relative to the alleged assault.

L'Amour: "Last week we were beat up by XXX's assistant, his bodyguard. It started when XXX called me up and talked to Teri Starr, leaving a message for me that he sent his love and for me to come over whenever I wanted. He had just come back from Canada where he was filming. I've known him for five years. That night I went down to his house. I've had a drinking problem, but now I'm sober, and I went over there that day for him to keep me sober. I fully and completely trusted him."

L'Amour claims the actor was up in his bedroom when she arrived at the gate of his house.

L'Amour: "We [L'Amour and Starr] were at the gate with the taxi driver. I knocked on the front door [L'Amour admits that she scaled XXX's gate but doesn't look at it as trespassing.]

"His assistant just came after me like a bat out of hell and punched me in the nose, knocking me to the ground. He broke my nose. He busted up my face. He kicked me while I was on the ground, and every time I tried getting up, he kept kicking me. Teri told him to get off me, and he started beating her. We were trying to run away from him, and he punched the cab driver in the face, stealing his driver's ID off his car. Then he said we were lucky we didn't get shot. Now we're getting death threats from them on my phone."

G. Ross: "Do you have a tape of these threats?"

L'Amour: "Yeah I do. My lawyers have everything."

G. Ross: "When did this incident happen again?"

L'Amour: "I believe it was the 26th or the 29th. I can't remember the date. We went to our lawyer as soon as we got served the papers."

G. Ross: "As soon as YOU got served papers?"

L'Amour: "They served us with restraining order papers saying we assaulted the bodyguard, which is a total lie. [L'Amour mentions the bodyguard's name.] I've known him since XXX hired him a year and a half ago. In fact, they're saying I was stalking XXX when in fact I have a message on my machine from [the bodyguard] getting mad. I called XXX and left a message asking him if he would help me get into rehab. And [the bodyguard] called saying he didn't want to be my friend anymore. What was happening was [the bodyguard] wasn't giving XXX my messages.

"Yesterday they left a message on my machine and said they were going to take me and Teri out with a gun. Teri went outside to meet John West her ex-husband, and [the bodyguard] was sitting outside and pulled a gun on her."

G. Ross: "Outside your house?"

L'Amour: "Yeah. This was yesterday. They're denying all the allegations, saying we're lying, saying he [the bodyguard] was home last night, but we have witnesses to everything. Somebody saw him pulling up the street. This was on the news last night, Channel 2. [A check with that channel's website revealed no late-breaking stories involving that actor.] They showed the pictures of us beat up. We were on this morning on Channel 5. Tonight we're going to be on Extra. [We also checked out and there was nothing about the advance hype for the 8/3 show that would indicate such a story was planned.]

L'Amour: "But I think they're going to try to make us look bad because I was hysterically crying. They kept trying to put words in my mouth saying why didn't I want to press criminal charges against XXX. This is really hard for me because XXX was one of my best friends. I think there's an interview with Channel 7 and Channel 4 coming on today [Tuesday]."

G. Ross: "There's a police report on all this?"

L'Amour: "Yeah. And they still haven't arrested [the bodyguard]. He assaulted us. In fact, he called me up the day after the beating saying he apologized for it, and that if I wanted to go to rehab, XXX would happily pay for it and visit me. The next day I got restraining order papers.

"I have bruises and contusions from head to toe. Teri and I have not been able to work ever since then. He broke my nose that I spent $5,000 for. This bodyguard is 6'4 and is about 350 to 400 pounds. He says I assaulted him. I don't know if XXX is suing me because of what [the bodyguard] told him, or if he had [the bodyguard] do it. I don't know if it was a setup or not. I'm very confused.

"The lawyers right now are pulling the phone bills for the last five years showing that XXX has called me many times. Even when he was in Canada, he called me from Canada."

G. Ross: "How did you meet XXX?"

L'Amour: "I met XXX when he was divorcing his ex-wife in 1995. He's a friend. We have really good conversations. But this is frustrating. They're saying we're lying, but we have the wounds and the cab driver to prove it. The bodyguard attacked his car and him for no reason. Then the bodyguard said we're lucky that we don't have bullets in our head that we're lucky we just got beat up. We have a taped conversation of the bodyguard. They have to enhance that, but you can hear him say he's going to take me and Teri out with a gun."

G. Ross: "Did you ever get on the wrong side of this bodyguard character?"

L'Amour: "No. I have no idea. I think what happened is Teri Starr's dad is a general in the Airforce and used to bodyguard for XXX. He called XXX and told him I was trying to get a hold of him. That's why XXX called me that day. I think the bodyguard got in trouble for it and that's why he set me up. That's what the lawyers think, too. They also think the bodyguard has a thing for me and is jealous of my relationship with XXX.

"I was just on KROQ last week defending XXX. Everybody keeps saying that's he's on drugs and he's such a whore. I was defending him that he was a changed person."