Brad Shaw’s Shaw Internet has become the latest player in the back-end affiliate stat-tracking software market with the company’s release of Executive Stats.
The system enters a marketplace that has most recently been dominated by MPA3 and NATS affiliate software. Executive Stats was designed with the same features in mind, but its designers aimed to beef up on the fraud protection features versus the other options.
With eight years experience running their own Adult affiliate operation, they had a solid background to draw from.
“With MPA3 and NATS both, we were trying to make sure we could do everything that they could do, plus our own stuff,” director of operations Greg Anders told
“Our backbone is based on fraud control. Especially doing pay-per-signup models, we’re looking for people who are trying to send us fraudulent traffic and fraudulent joins. We’ve taken all the data we’re given back from our credit card processors and we put it all in one place so you don’t have to flip around to different pages looking for different stuff. It’s all right there in your face.”
The fraud protection aspect of Executive Stats flags potential problem accounts for high payouts, high payout ratios, questionable IP addresses and emails, and open proxy ports. It builds a list of these accounts and allows the user to sift through each account on an individual basis.
The system has been a year-and-a-half in the making and was originally conceived as an alternative to the then-dominant players True Stats and MPA2, which still had a shave feature built in.
As Executive Stats was in development, MPA3 and NATS were both released and the Executive Stats designers followed their examples with such features as daily snapshots of revenue, customizable graphs, a hosted gallery effectiveness tool, 24/7 system monitoring and dynamic marketing and tour options, among other things.
In addition to the fraud protection features, another thing that makes Executive Stats differ from its competitors is the option for the user to purchase the source code outright. Purchasing the source code allows the user to close off access to the program developer.
Although demos of the product are available by emailing Anders at [email protected], Shaw Internet has largely kept Executive Stats under wraps.
When asked to compare their two systems, NATS partner John Albright said Shaw has refused to show him his software, and therefore couldn’t comment on it.
However, Shaw himself is standing by the quality of his product.
“This program is worth its weight in gold for the fraud protection alone. I thought we had good fraud protection before, but we have saved $10,000-plus a month since implementing Executive Stats,” he said.