NEW YORK—, the global forum connecting people and ideas, has named Allison Vivas as one of the Top 10 Women in Male Dominated Fields. The Pink Visual CEO shares top 10 honors with, among others, director Katheryn Bigelow, police chief Kathy Lanier and General Ann Dunwoody.
The list was compiled as part of the site’s Women and Power section. Vivas, who came in at number 7 on the list, is identified as Allison Vivas (Pornographer), and was apparently picked not least because of a column she wrote in the Daily Princetonian in April, in which she wrote passionately in support of the proposition that pornography and feminism actually coexist in complete harmony with one another.
Max Miller, who wrote the Top 10 post, said of Vivas, “The president of Pink Visual, an adult film production company in Van Nuys, California, Vivas doesn't look like your average pornographer. Ex-Playboy Christie Hefner could have also made this list, but we chose Vivas for her outspoken defense of pornography as feminist. Also in a bizarre series of events, Vivas was named 'Entrepreneur of the Year' in 2009 by Newt Gingrich's group American Solutions for Winning the Future. The award was later rescinded.”
Vivas replied to a request for comment with typical modesty, saying that while she was slightly uncomfortable with being in the spotlight personally, as opposed to the company, she was still honored and definitely more than a little surprised to find herself on the list.
“When the link was first forwarded to me, I assumed it was a joke being played on me by our IT and Graphics departments,” she told AVN. “I like to think I do a very good job of running Pink Visual, but I’m truly humbled to be listed beside nine women who are so accomplished and so respected in their respective fields. I think this says something about how much the general public’s attitude toward pornography has changed over the years, as well, from seeing porn as something completely unacceptable to viewing it as simply a part of the larger world of entertainment.”
The complete Top 10 list of winners is, in order:
1. Irina Krush (Chess Master)
2. Annie Duke (Poker Champion)
3. Kathryn Bigelow (Filmmaker)
4. Danica Patrick (Race Car Driver)
5. Cathy Lanier (Police Chief)
6. Frances Allen (Programmer)
7. Allison Vivas (Pornographer)
8. Ann Dunwoody (General)
9. Joyce Meyer (Minister)
10. Cristeta Comerford (Chef)
AVN believes that while it is remarkable even in 2010 that a pornographer was included on a (positive) list that includes a police chief, a general and a televangelist, the fact that Vivas was the one chosen says every bit as much about her as a positive force in and for the industry as it does society’s changing attitudes about adult entertainment.
Viva Vivas!