NRPW Recruits Mike South as Ringside Commentator

ATLANTA- Porn director Mike South will join Ron Jeremy as a ringside commentator for Craig Valentine's Not Rated Pro Wrestling league.

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"Craig asked me to be a commentator, so I figured, hey, I can have some fun with this," South told AVN. "Rasslin', as it's called here, is generally thought of as a redneck, Southern kinda thing. I fit the stereotype when I play to it. Personally, I think it appeals more to a gay audience, but I like Ron Jeremy and I figure between a New York Jew and a Georgia hillbilly, we can have some fun."

NRPW combines pro wrestling with porn stars, a concept previously mined by Extreme Associates in the '90s. Valentine's federation has held matches on both coasts, most recently at the Bakersfield Dome. 

Distributor IVD released the first volume of an NRPW video series on Valentine's New Porn Order label. Evan Stone, Tommy Gunn, Nick Manning, Ashlynn Brooke, Nikki Hunter, Monica Mayhem and Mary Carey are among the XXX performers associated with the league. 

According to the Urban Dictionary, NRPW also stands for "Nigger-Rich Poor Whitey." 

For more info on the porn-rasslin' madness, visit