M Squared Productions has announced the launch of Sex2ube.com, a free adult online community where surfers can upload and share their own homemade sex videos.
“Sex2ube is a paradise for exhibitionists and voyeurs,” says Allen Ingram, chief operating officer of M Squared Productions. “It’s a place where sexually adventurous people can interact with each other, share their personal sex videos, and post comments about others’ filmed sexual escapades. It’s a fun, free, exclusively naughty online community that not only gives surfers incredible value, but generates an excellent source of qualified adult traffic that can be optimized in a variety of ways.”
Sex2ube features a simple, easy-to-navigate interface with content sorted into niche-specific channels. Surfers can create online profiles, add friends, and form groups based upon their particular adult interests. Top videos in each category are cached. Sex2ube also will feature new products and services, including competitions like the upcoming Miss & Mr. MaskTV contests.