BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — LFP Video Group, LLC, has, effective immediately, closed its German subsidiary, Hustler Europe GmbH.
Facing a dwindling DVD marketplace in Europe, LFP Video said in a statement that having a separate office in Europe just handling such distribution was not cost effective. It instead will manage the majority of its European interests from its U.S. offices.
Helen Clyne, formerly managing director of Hustler Europe, will continue to handle some DVD distribution of LFP Video content, including Hustler Video and VCA Pictures, on a non-exclusive basis, through her company, a2z-Services.
Clyne will also represent the European interests of LFP’s top-selling Hustler Apparel, also non-exclusively, through her company.
For purchase of Hustler Apparel or DVDs in Europe contact:
Helen Clyne
Cäcilien Strasse 46
D-47839 Krefeld
Tel: +49-2151-654-1243
Fax: +49-2151-654-1242
Mobile: +49-173-747-6680
Email: [email protected]
For outstanding issues or payments related to Hustler Europe, please contact Hustler Europe’s liquidator:
Jeffrey Hawkins
Bischofstr. 101
D-47809 Krefeld