Kid Vegas appears on the Tom Leykis radio show [KLSX 97.1]

Kid Vegas appears on the Tom Leykis radio show [KLSX 97.1] this afternoon.

\nPaul Bussey of the adult video company Dane Productions-Forbidden Films had a richly rewarding experience recently with a performer named Summer Daye. Bussey had stopped by one of his sets. A producer asked him if Bussey would pick up one of the girls who did not show up for a previous shoot because she had car trouble. The girl was Daye.

Bussey: "I went out to Oxnard to pick her up. I had to drive her to Pacific Palisades. We took the PCH. She wanted something to drink, so we stopped at this little grocery store. It took awhile. She was asking for special shit. She wanted green tea made by such and such company. I tried to find what she wanted. I came back out, maybe ten minutes later then brought her to the set. She gets paid by the producer who I give the money to. Apparently, during the time when I was in the store and she was in my car, she had taken a company check that was buried between the seats in a folder. A few days later my accounting dept. was giving me shit, where is this check? I didn't write anything. It was kind of an inside bet here that I wrote it and forgot to write it down. A few days later I get a call from Wells Fargo bank. Somebody was there trying to cash a $2100 check. It happened to be that same check number, and, sure enough, it was Summer Daye who was there trying to cash this check.

"We're not with Wells Fargo. The name that she had signed on the check was Mark Hadley who produces for us. Hadley [Johnny Thrust] is not a part of Dane. He's not a signer on the Dane account. Who knows what she was trying to do? I told Wells Fargo not to cash the check, that it was a stolen check. She got out of the bank. They kept her license. It was a Nevada license. We began dealing with the Burbank police and the Oxnard police. Apparently she had a history of stealing checks and getting into that type of behavior. They didn't detain her at the bank. They couldn't at the time. I spoke to a detective and signed an affidavit that this was a stolen check. She was claiming that this was money owed to her for the work she did for us. We had a copy of the check that she got paid [$600]. She had signed it that she got paid, so, basically, we screwed up her little alibi. The Oxnard police called her mom and picked her up. She's in jail. She's waiting for arraignment.

"One funny aspect of the story is, when Summer left the bank that day she called here looking for Mark Hadley. I said, 'This is Mark.' She said, 'I don't know if you remember me but I got a personal situation. I need to talk to you and I want to come in.' I said I'll be here. I asked her what it was, and she said she couldn't talk over the phone. I don't know what she was trying to do, maybe trying to get Mark Hadley involved somehow and try to get the check cashed. She never showed up at the office. I called the police department. They said if she shows up, to try and detain her in some way. Her mom, Denise Grubb, eventually called leaving a message. I called back thinking that her mom was going to beg me not to do anything. Her mom said she wanted to make sure that we prosecuted her, that Summer had stolen from her and her husband before."

\nBecause her named got dropped into the conversation regarding a lawsuit, Steve, Serenity's husband adds some thoughts to the Zack Adams/Alex Allen story posted on yesterday's site.

Steve: Zack has never bothered me to call me on this, someone who I thought was my friend for many years. What it basically was, is, when he had gone into Sunset's club in January to do the save our speech campaign, it was a free appearance to help get their club going. They said we want to book Serenity [for the future]. I said okay. We talked about it, and pretty much agreed to it there. I gave them a thousand dollars off of Serenity's rate and said it would be this amount of money and two plane tickets and a hotel. I specifically said two Southwest Airline tickets because Serenity travels with a lot of luggage because of the show she does.

"Alex was handling all the features. When I called up Alex because Zack wasn't in town, I asked them to send me back the signed contracts. They lost it twice. Then they finally faxed me back a signed contract which outlined all the stipulations I just mentioned. Then they faxed an addendum which I wouldn't sign. They wanted us to give up all liability which you don't do in Corpus Christi; plus, what it does is, it releases the club from liability should she get hurt on stage. Alex said it was okay, that addendum is usually for the other features, we know that this is Serenity and she's responsible. Two weeks before the gig, Alex called me up and said they only pay $600 toward travel. I said that's not what we discussed. The plane tickets are 700-something dollars. That's the cheapest for Southwest. He told me that's what they were paying and that we needed to stay at the condo.

"I said I could probably bend a little on the condo, but the plane tickets, that's what everybody in the country does and that's just the way it goes. He said, no, we're not paying it. I said, two weeks before this date, now you're bringing this up? It was going to be April 27 to May 1. The actually added a day and a show. So, during this whole heated argument, and it was heated, I said put Zack on the phone, let me talk to him about this. Alex said Zack's busy, he'll call you back. I said Zack's too busy to take my phone call when his feature is about to cancel a date? He never took my phone call. It was unfortunate. We really tried to help them out and get their club going.

"I gave them a big break off the price. Serenity came in for the grand opening. Alex had a problem with every feature before Serenity and then started bad-mouthing me and Serenity to another dance agent. I've never talked to Zack or Sunset. They haven't called me which he should have done. I can't believe it. No one's really close in this industry, but as far as people who have it togetjher and are responsible, that's what I thought. I cancelled the contract because of breach of contract on their part. If I can't trust them on $128 extra on a plane ticket, how can I trust them on thousands of dollars on a dance gig? The kicker was they continued to advertise Serenity's appearance. I wasn't going to do anything but because Alex was bad-mouthing,

"I said the hell with that. I sent him a settlement agreement for a kill fee. They probably have another week to answer that, and then I'll think about pressing forward. It's unfortunate. It's the only date in 7 1/2 years of Serenity featuring that we've had to cancel. Unfortunately we had to do it with someone whom we thought was our friend. The biggest thing is Zack not taking my phone call. I had a big problem with that. This guy Alex has got a history in Houston and with Deja Vu. I don't know why they brought him in there, to be honset with you. The whole thing was that Zack said they were going to book features direct because they were all their friends. My dealing up until the very end were with Zack. So for him to say that Sunset had nothing to do with the contract was ridiculous. My contract was with Sunset's Fantasy. We'll see how it goes."

Erotica LA Starts Today

Erotica LA, the adult marketplace, including 120 vendors, opens today at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Doors open at 5pm. The show goes on till 11pm this evening. Saturday's schedule is 11 to 11, and Sunday is 11 to 5. $15 gets you in

VCA's new publicist Kylie Ireland was on the Conway & Steckler radio show last evening. Ironically, publicist Ireland neglected to let anyone know that she was going to be on the show and we had to find out about it from her "p.r. guy" Ron Miller, executive director of Erotica LA. Miller did ABC Evening News and an Eyewitness News broadcast, touting the event.

"As I look at it, this is the big year," Miller said. "We put two real good shows behind us."

Brooke Hunter and Julian were also on the Conway & Steckler show with Ireland.

C&S: "We have a stripper in here who I guess has banged a big basketball that right? Michael Jordan?

Ireland: "That would be Michael Jordan."

C&S: "How long ago?"

Ireland: "If you want the whole story I think you should let us sexy girls in there [the radio booth].

C&S: "You're comin' in."

Ireland: "You're keeping us hostage out here."

C&S: "Bring the girls in...are they strippers, porno chicks, who are they? We've got some chicks who banged some pretty big basketball players. Let's talk about them. We'll probably get killed for that. What the hell? We're not saying it. She is."

One of the hosts mentioned to Ireland that he went to Erotica LA last year and thought it was "a bust." Referring to Julian, Ireland said, "Nobody ever talks to the guys in this business. I try to talk to the guys but my mouth's usually too full," Ireland said. Hunter said Erotic LA is open to the general public. "All the video companies, makers of sex products, sex swings, sex toys will be there along with all the female and male talent in the industry signing," Hunter said. "This is the place for people to come and get educated on the adult entertainment industry. We have tons of five dollar-off coupons for a lot of the clubs and different places throughout Los Angeles."

Conway: "What's great...usually somebody gets arrested down there, too, which is nice."

Hunter: "That's not really nice. We try to keep a pretty clean show."

Ireland: "A few people get into trouble. Shane has a hard time keeping her boobs in her top."

Conway: "Shane? Will Shane be there."

Ireland: "I'm assuming Shane will be there. I haven't talked to her lately." Ireland said all the Vivid girls, all the VCA girls, all the Wicked talent will be there signing..all the Metro girls...

Conway: "Will Stephanie Swift be there? I like Stephanie Swift."

Ireland: "She's very tasty."

Conway: "Oh, you've had sex with her?"

Ireland: "Yes, I have."

The girls got momentarily thrown for a loop when Steckler wondered if Clara Clapsaddle, "a big star from the sixties" would be there. "Marilyn Chambers of VSDA will be there. Is that close enough for you?" Ireland wondered. When asked, Hunter and Ireland said they haven't had sex with one another. "We're planning on doing something either for VCA Explicit or my website [ ]," Ireland indicated. Ireland said there was "a hundred pages of free stuff," and "there's also a members-only site - that's where all the nasty-stuff is." Ireland confessed she didn't have a link to the Erotica-La website. "Are you going to spank me for that?"

The subject eventually got around to the size of Julian's penis. "I can tell you right now, Julian's penis is bigger than Michael Jordan's - hand's down," said Ireland who was obviously in the position to know.

Conway: "How big is Michael Jordan's penis?"

Ireland: "I'd probably give him a good eight...he was long but skinny. Julian is long, but he's got girth, too. It scares me. He hits my tonsils when we work together. Julian is not your typical Ron Jeremy. He's a good-looking guy. He's got muscles and a nice butt."

Ireland said it's been about six years since she banged Jordan. Ireland said the incident occured when she was working her way through college as a stripper in Denver. Ireland said she'd give Jordan "a six." "He really wasn't that good," she said. "He had good stamina, though." Ireland said the tryst lasted about 45 minutes and she wound up spending the night.

"You can see the whole story in Face Jam, the Movie from VCA," she continued. [Gene Ross: You can read the whole story, if you can still find an issue, in the February, 1997 issue of Sexposé.]

Ireland said she had a normal childhood, that her parents divorced when she was 13. Ireland said she didn't indulge in lesbian activity until she was 19. "Juli Ashton was my first girl, ever, before we were in the business," she said. "We met in college. We both wanted to do girls but neither of us had the guts to start it. We spent many drunken nights staring at each other, giggling. Finally, Juli just threw me down and attacked me."

Conway: "This radio-thing sucks. I'm missing out on all this. I'd love to be in producing, something in porn."

Hunter said her first lesbian experience came at the age of 22. "The first night was really awkward. It was with a neighborhood girlfriend. I went after her."

Conway: "When you had sex with her, did you go cooter-to-cooter?"

Hunter: "We had the use of a sexual aid - double-ended."

Conway asked to make a hooter comparison and gave the nod to Hunter.

Ireland: "She's got that young looking-thing going with the shaved.." Hunter said she was 28 and that her tits are authentic.

Ireland: "Erotica LA is a great opportunity for the normal person who really doesn't want to go in the adult stores and walk around and be all embarrassed and dirty and nasty. This is their opportunity to come out...this is really cool."

Steckler: "It makes a great Father's Day gift."

Hunter said that her father knows what she does for a living but hasn't seen any of her movies. "He's not that involved in what I'm doing," she said. "I have great support from my family." Julian, who hails from Seattle, said his whole family busts his balls over the fact of what he does. "But they totally support what I do." Julian said he got into the business by way of Brittany Andrews. Ireland noted that she has sex with Julian in Marilyn Chambers' new movie, Still Insatiable.

We decided to bust Ireland's titties about her not letting the cat out of the bag on her radio appearance. Ireland said she wasn't sure that she was going to be on the program and avoided talking about lest she might wind up looking like an idiot.

Ireland: "We all got there at 9 pm. We were sitting in the lobby talking. They almost didn't put us on there, I was so mad. I was storming in. I said to Malibu Dan, "Dude, I drove all the way down here, you're putting us on. They were trying to get us on, and we were sitting there, going, 'Hello.' Then we found out that were off the air at 10pm. I almost went home. I'm glad I didn't say anything to anybody. If we didn't go on I would have looked like an idiot. I'm trying to avoid that in my fisrt two months.

"Gee, will they ever leave that Michael Jordan-thing alone? I'm haunted by it, now. Malibu Dan, their producer guy, knew about it. He remembered me from before. I heard Serenity was on KROQ this morning. Stacy Valentine called me up and told me about it. She said, "Nobody's ever been on KROQ.' I'm like, 'I have.'

"Stacy Valentine was again on Entertainment Tonight. Every third night she's on the show. She was on last night, she was on last Sunday night and I think she was on the previous Thursday or something like that. She keeps bringing me tapes. It's all about her "Girl Next Door tape," the documentary that she did. It's raising quite a fuss. It did at the Cannes Film Festival. It's release is coming up. I hear it's a real tearjerker type of thing, how she arrived from being a housewife to a porn star. Good for her, getting on Entertainment Tonight. I had nothing to do with it, what a bummer that is.

G. Ross: "Well, I guess you'll have to screw another basketball player."

Ireland: "Heh, heh, I don't take that attitude."

G. Ross: "How about Dennis Rodman now that he's going to become a professional wrestler."

Ireland: "Is that what's happening?"

G. Ross: "It's the whole new got to get involved with professional wrestling, that's where the headlines are."

Ireland: "That's horrible."

G. Ross: "Absolutely."

Ireland: "Just when you think you can't get any weirder."

Madam Busted in Century City

According to KCBS Channel 2 News, an alleged High-Class Madam with a client roster of over 100 men including well known Hollywood actors, producers, and Fortune 500 business people was arrested last night after a 10-month investigation. The CBS report identifies Jody "Babydol" Diane Gibson, 41 aka "Sasha" as being accused of using an escort service as a front for a large prostitution ring and pimping women via a "client only" Web site. The website was reported to be "California Dreamin." Police said Gibson ran the site with provocative photographs of more than 25 female models.

"All models available upon request," states the Web site, which bills itself as a modeling agency with offices in New York and California.

According to the news report, Gibson and three of her alleged hookers were arrested at the Century City Hotel. Investigators said Gibson charged clients anywhere between $500 to $3,000, but fees were usually toward the higher end of that scale. Gibson reportedly had as many as three-dozen women in her employment, many of whom, according to Lt. Mike Felix of the LAPD were known porn stars and aspiring actresses.

Detectives served search warrants at several locations in Los Angeles and at her home in Palo Verde in Imperial County. Gibson was arrested on suspicion of pimping and pandering, and booked at the Van Nuys jail after conversations with undercover police. Her bail was set at $25,000 and Gibson has been released According to CBS, Gibson could face up to nine felony counts, each carrying a mandatory three-year prison term.

Lt. Mike Felix of the LAPD said recorded names, dates, phone numbers and sexual fetishes in her client book. Gibson's service is allegedly among the busiest in the Los Angeles area. According to police, Gibson has ties to Arizona, Colorado, Texas, New York and Europe. Gibson also had six women working in Europe, police added. Evidence purportedly links Gibson to Heidi Fleiss.

"She [Gibson] ran one of the largest operations since Heidi Fleiss," said Det. Steve Park, one of the investigators on the case. "She was very sophisticated and well-known throughout the U.S. and Europe."

Fleiss served 21 months doing time in federal prison and a half-way house for income tax evasion and money laundering. She was released last month.

Several of Gibson's employees have been arrested for prostitution over the course of the investigation, police said. Additional arrests may be made, and the 10-month investigation is continuing, officials added. Police said they're hoping people with information about Gibson's business will come forward. Investigators also said they may interview her clients. Felix said that detectives found a typewritten manuscript written by Gibson in which she chronicles her life as a madam. According to police, It details encounters with law enforcement and says that she originally wanted to open a talent agency. Gibson's manuscript also contains an allegation that Fleiss once asked Gibson for a job as an escort. Gibson, however, dod not hire Fleiss, according to police. Police described Gibson as a rival of Fleiss who moved to fill the void when Fleiss' operation was busted by police in the early 1990s.

Evidence seized by police indicates that some of Fleiss' prostitutes and clients switched to Gibson's business. Police said the investigation into Gibson came from a tip from a woman who claimed she worked for Gibson and was allegedly cheated out of money.

\nDear Gene: My Name is Brian and I am Allison Kilgore's boyfriend. Have been for almost two years. Allison and I had chosen up till this point to ignore all of the Porn industry bullshit and not respond. She is out of the industry now and we keep hoping that if we ignore it, that it will eventually go away. However, Kid Vegas's current delusional ramblings are too much, and we have decided to speak up and let everyone know how full of shit he is.

Both Allison & myself are available for comment via phone and wish to speak to you together to set the record straight. Allison regrets the time she spent in the industry. Allison got into the industry for all the wrong reasons during a tough period in her life. The only times she ran to LA were when we were fighting. We are both making a strong effort to work out our problems as we are, and always have been deeply in love.

1) Kid Vegas's whole story about his crazy weekend was mostly bullshit. Because of the pending legal actions I can not comment on it yet. Needless to say Allison has already signed an affidavit saying Kid Vegas is lying and nothing was taken without her consent.

2) Allison did send you that e-mail, she was not going to respond at all because she wanted it to go away, but Kid Vegas's bullshit story was too much even for her, so she sent you that short e-mail.

3) Apparently Kid Vegas is and has been totally infatuated with Allison since even before she meet him. He is now doing nothing short of stalking her, constantly telling her he is in love with her, he will quit the business for her, etc. She has told him off numerous times, but he won't give up. When she told him that her and I are still in love, he freaked out. She called me scared for her life. I came over to her place with the police to escort him out of her apartment. She changed all her phone numbers.

4) Allison & I spend about 90% of our time together and sleep together in the same bed every night. How Kid Vegas could be seeing her is a mystery to both Allison & I. He really is fucked up in the head. He has threatened to have her raped & killed. He leaves threats on my Voice Mail. Allison & I Both have a few complaints about him filed with the local police department. We expect a restraining order to be filed against him soon.

While both Allison and I do not plan on responding to any more of Kid Vegas's lies, and we know there will be more, we do want everyone to at least know screwed up this person is.

Kid Vegas writes: "Gene, What's happening? It is me Kid Vegas... I went to the party the other night. It was fun, loads of stars, loads of drugs, & mainstream stars too. I unfortunately had a short interview with the slut from hell Jasmine St. Claire . She was annoying & looked quite honestly ugly as hell. She was dressed like she was going to a early eighties dinner in Mexico. That girl looks ruff...... hahahahahaha. I can understand now why that thing did a gangbang.

She requested me to show me my cock outside for the camera & tried to make jokes of something she has never probably seen & will never see in person. I had to turn her down because of all the drugs I was on & because that I didn't feel like that was the place on the street to do something like that. I know now why so many people do not like this gross, chewed up hamburger helper face chick. I look forward to the Convention & my interview on the radio too. This weekend will be fun too. I was just given a huge studio today by my Dad, he spent a lot on it & got me new cameras, the works, especially the new guns. I will be doing some more filming possibly next week. Kid Vegas "Superstar" should be out for July. I shot with Johnny Toxic yesterday.

We are going to start working again together more, he will be co-producing some stuff for me. He filmed a court movie where I was shooting shit like pizza crust at him with a sling shot. I also sprayed him with beer & caused havoc in his courtroom. Gotta check this one out probably one of his finer films with the trouble me & him caused. It will not be out on Legend though & it is him directing. Well gotta go & stay out late tonight, it is drug Summer 99 for everyone from what I hear, so I must party. Peace to all my fans, oh & Johnny Toxic says hi too......