Japan X Teams with LFP Video for Two New Lines

Capitalizing on a nationwide trend towards all-things sexy from the land of the rising sun, LFP Video Group LLC plans two DVD lines with participating studio Japan X.

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Through its Hustler Videos imprint, Japan X will bring to American audiences a series of adult Japanese cartoons, or anime, in pristine form. They will be converted for North American DVD player use, crystal clearer than any bootleg, and subtitled like the truest fans of the form demand.

“This is some of the best Triple XXX Japanime ever made,” promises producer Sean Carney. “Really frenetically sexy cartoons, and definitely not for children.”

Carney says that Hustler is fully aware of a definite craze for Japanese animation today. “The porn industry has been a little slow to jump on that. It’s been a big draw in the box office for a couple of years, and on DVD and video for ten years now.”

Hustler will release five titles by March 2005, starting with this Month’s release of Cage. “We’re extremely confident in this line,” says Carney. “They’re brand new to the market, but people who have seen them have just been knocked out.”

Japan X will also partner with Excessive Entertainment for a series of live action films to be released under the VCA group. “There’s no shortage of Asian-themed tapes,” Carney told AVN.com, “but we’ve done our thing with them.”

In addition to the deluxe production qualities, Carney also says that the films will be dirtier in North America than they were in Japan.

“They will have triple X content not available in Japan. Japan has very strict rules about what they can show. These will be restored to the full length.”

That series will kick off on January 11 with the release of Tokyo Young Cream I, one of three releases scheduled for that month. According to Carney, that title will feature “barely legal Japanese girls.”

If successful, the lines will join the Asian Fever group as the company’s successful forays into Japanese material. Like the Japan X live-action offerings, Asian Fever is also shot in Japan, a point of pride for the company. That long-time top seller for the company is up to its 21st release.

Says Carney: ”It seems like a really big market out there; there’s a big demand for Asian pornography.”