Daniel M. Launches Roads to Moscow PR Firm

LOS ANGELES - Daniel M., the nine-year veteran adult marketing and publicity specialist, has launched Roads to Moscow, a boutique PR firm focused on adult entertainment clients.

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M. for the past 16 months had been a partner in The Azurix Group, which represented both adult industry clients and East Coast music industry professionals. 

"While the relationship has been beneficial, as our 16-month contract comes to an end I have chosen to consolidate my professional resources in a new venture devoted to working more closely and personally with my Los Angeles clients — especially those within or at least associated on some level with the adult entertainment industry," M. said.

M. said Roads to Moscow is devoted to helping his clients "create meaning in their careers by enhancing their presence and influence in popular culture."

Two of his current high-profile clients are Wicked Pictures and Vouyer Media.

"Given the challenging economic times we find ourselves in, I believe this new brand and renewed commitment to personal, one-on-one attention will be beneficial to my valued clients," M. said. "Roads To Moscow was also created with an eye toward integrating traditional PR more discreetly and sensibly within the world of online social networking.

"Thankfully, some things haven't changed, so, from the audacious cocktails of sex, rock & roll, and popular culture to be found in the Burning Angel DVDs distributed by Vouyer Media to the stylish, existential horror metal of Rusty Eye, Roads To Moscow looks forward to blurring the edges where porn and pop culture collide by promoting unique, one-of-a-kind artists in fresh and exciting ways." 

M. actually has been working in adult circles for the past 19 years, switching gears to do marketing and publicity nine years ago. He focused on writing for his first 10 years as an industry journalist.

To learn more about M.'s new venture, visit roadstomoscow.tumblr.com or email DanielRoadsToMoscow@gmail.com.