CHATSWORTH, Calif. - AVN Award-winning series PornoMation from Cherry Boxxx Pictures will soon become a trilogy, with the release next spring of third installment Dream Spells.
"It's going to be better than part one or two," Cherry Boxxx sales rep Dusty Urban told AVN. "We spent so much more money on it to make it better; the animation on it is like Xbox graphics — that's why it's taken so long. It's going to be two years [since the release of part two] by the time we release it."
PornoMation 2: Zuma – Tales of a Sexual Gladiator won AVN's first-ever Best Animated Release award last January, and the first PornoMation took home the Best Alternative Release trophy the year before. That initial installment, Urban said, "sold about 200,000 [units]. I mean, that's a lot. The only people that even come close to that, I think, is Pirates or Deep Throat."
For more information about pre-ordering PornoMation 3: Dream Spells, contact Dustry Urban at (800) 255-5923 or [email protected].