Canadian distributor Tony Vruvides who's been accused by Kid Vegas of dispensing death threats, writes: "Dear Gene, I always wondered what it is that makes people like KID VEGAS think that they're somebody, because they go behind the camera to shoot a movie, any movie.
"I have personally filmed 8 movies, one of which you personally saw and wrote about in AVN and I can honestly say that I'm a neophyte with a lot to learn. I guess it makes a lot of people feel important and that power surge goes to their heads (as small as that head is).
"If KID VEGAS was someone like JOHN STAGLIANO, BRUCE SEVEN, BRAD ARMSTRONG, MITCH SPINELLI, ALEX SANDERS, KRIS KRAMSKI and even our good friend JACK STEPHAN, then I'd say maybe they can threaten an actress by telling her the famous line " will never work in this industry again...".
"But then again, these above mentioned gentlemen have a lot more class than that. KID VEGAS is a nobody, let's face facts. And to say that I threatened his life and then conveniently "erase" the message I left him, shows exactly who the flake is. By the way, did he mention to you that I left him my phone number? Life in this industry is never boring my friend, is it? Sincerely, Tony."
"Mayor Tommey" writes: "I didn't know which dept to send this to, do what you want with it. I'm a huge Howard Stern fan and listen to his show every morning here in Toronto. Howard broke ground by bringing porn personalities to the mainstream and now every Tom Dick and Harry imitator on the airwaves now feature porn regularly. I know AVN founder Paul Fishbein has some kind of history or relationship with Howard, at some point AVN and the porn industry should acknowledge Stern with a Hall of Fame induction or invent some award. Only Hefner has done more than Stern in my opinion to take erotica and porn and make it a relatively healthy part of mainstream society.
"Enough of my blowing sunshine up Howard's ass. What I wanted to tip you off about is a new feature Stern talked about on his radio show that will begin shortly. Howard has been mocking Oprah Winfrey and her cult of hausfraus forever, including her Reading Club where Oprah picks books for her legion of fans to read then later on a full show is spent discussing the book. The publishing industry was set on its ear when they saw the immense power Oprah had, creating top 10 bestsellers with a a mention from her. Now Howard has announced that he will now have his own Porn Viewing Club, where he will announce a fuck film for his audience to rent or buy, then he will follow up bringing in the video's stars, directors, listener call ins etc.
"His producer mentioned that they had already picked out and ordered 40 videos. It's actually a pretty small and incompetent staff on the Stern show so I thought I'd let AVN know about it. regards"