AEBN, Xobile Vindicated in Mobile Space

Despite its slow start, mobile porn has been vindicated as a viable market in the United States. A recent study found that 20 percent of the searches performed on mobile phones are for porn, compared to only 8 percent of the searches conducted from personal computers. If only a small percentage of U.S. consumers are surfing the Net from their mobile devices, a striking number of them are browsing it for porn.

Low expectations have plagued the feasibility of the mobile market since it was first touted as the next big thing but then failed to take off in a significant way. Many wondered if it ever would gain the kind of widespread popularity it enjoys in Europe and Japan, where it continues to grow.

Adult Entertainment Broadcasting Network (AEBN), a global leader in adult Video-on-Demand, is one of the forward-looking U.S. companies that capitalized on the burgeoning market in its early days, developing and launching a mobile adult site based on the same ideas that made its Internet-based sites successful. Xobile, AEBN's mobile arm, launched in April 2005, and since has become one of the adult industry’s most recognized brand names for adult movies on mobile.