Adam & Eve Donates to Haiti, Contributes to Local Charity

HILLSBOROUGH, N.C.—Adam & Eve has announced its latest donations in a long history of giving. Their latest contributions include a donation of 1287 pairs of shoes to the Haitian earthquake survivors, as well as a combined contribution of $7747 to the Conservators Center outside of
Mebane, N.C.

The employees and management at the Hillsborough-based headquarters of the largest adult web and mail order company in America have long contributed time and money to charities and events on both a local and national level. When these two opportunities presented themselves, the company was quick to respond.

The program struck a chord with many Adam & Eve employees. The nearly 1300 pairs of shoes donated required three pallets, which weighed in excess of 1500
pounds. Adam & Eve paid to ship all of the shoes to the Soles4Souls headquarters in Alabama for distribution.

Gidget Watson, a longtime employee of Adam & Eve, brought the idea to the company when her daughter said her school was involved. Said Watson, "I was touched at how many shoes we collected for Soles4Souls; its lets me know that we as a team can do anything together. I am proud of my company and my daughter Nala for suggesting this idea."

The idea to raise money for the local Conservators Center was a given for many Adam & Eve employees. The center is based just outside Mebane, N.C., where a large number of Adam & Eve employees live. The facility is a non-profit organization that preserves threatened species through responsible captive breeding, rescuing wildlife in need, and providing educational programs and support worldwide.

Through a department sponsored lunch and spring plant sale, as well as Adam & Eve matching the funds and a significant third party donation, the company raised nearly $8000 for the Conservators Center move to Chapel Hill, N.C.

Adam & Eve employee Mary Ellen Reiley, who championed this fundraiser, said, "These funds will go a long way in helping the Conservators Center. We were also able to get locally grown plants from  Multiflora Greenhouses at a discount to raise our funds."

Adam & Eve's philanthropic works tend to focus on locally based charities in Orange County, N.C., or the surrounding areas. Other benefactors include major groups like the American Cancer Society and March of Dimes, but also many area high schools, churches, environmental initiatives and health