A List Talent, Adult Talent Managers Merge Into One Agency

STUDIO CITY, Calif.—September Dawn’s A List Talent has merged with Shy Love’s Adult Talent Managers to create a single agency with both adult and mainstream branches.

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With close to 27 years of combined experience in many facets of the adult entertainment business, the pair will be keeping both brands alive with the merger—Adult Talent Managers (ATM) will represent clients for adult bookings while the A List brand will represent clients in mainstream avenues.

ATM owner Shy Love told AVN that the merger makes the newly combined company the largest female-run agency in the business.

“September and I have known each other for about 10 years now, [having met] when she was a stylist and I was new to the business,” Love said. “We’ve since become very good friends and we’ve always supported each other. We did this merger because of what we can offer our clients through our combined experiences in the business, which comes from many facets.”

The pair indeed does offer a wealth of experience. Dawn was a stylist and designer for many years before forming A List in 2004; Love was an accomplished performer, director and producer prior to forming ATM a few years ago.

Love said that the merger makes ATM the largest adult talent agency. All of A List’s clients currently are on the ATMLA.com site. ATM has moved office locations as well. The company’s new address is 12215 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206, Studio City, Calif. 91604. The main number to contact both agencies is (818) 985-4944.

While Love’s email address stays the same at shy@atmla.com, Dawn’s new email is september@atmla.com.

Love said that all four agents at the company would work for both divisions.  

Dawn is particularly excited about the pair’s combined experience and A List’s new mainstream push.

“I am so excited about what Shy and I can achieve together,” Dawn said. “Shy’s experience as a performer and director helps give the talent a perspective that really no other agent can. We each have very efficient systems in place, so integrating the two will be extremely easy.

“Utilizing the A List brand, we will be launching our mainstream division in October 2010. We will be helping adult performers to cross over, as well as representing non adult stars in the mainstream arena.”

Love said that she and Dawn have started notifying talent about the merger.

“September started the first female-owned agency in the business; I looked up to her and give her a lot of credit,” Love said. “This new venture is about giving girls something different. I believe that we have more to offer by not just being adult only. Our intention was to create the largest agency in the business and the only adult agency that has a mainstream division.”