3D and the Future of Porn

PORN VALLEY — Don't go A*P*E, but the future is Comin' At Ya pretty fast, so if you're ready to go Into the Deep, your own Experiments in Love will soon be selling like hotcakes.

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Face it: The 3D revolution is here — or if you're a student of film history, the 3D revolution is back once more, having ended its last heyday in the mid-1950s. Hollywood has embraced the new/old medium with a vengeance, with at least 10 full-length 3D projects in various stages of post-production to complement the dozen 3D efforts — think Monsters Vs. Aliens, think Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus, think Coraline, think Up! — that have been released over the past year or so.

With so many 3D films heading for DVD, you can be sure that Hollywood is hard at work funding projects that will enable viewers to see those 3D effects on their home theater systems, and the likelihood is that those efforts will bear fruit sooner rather than later.

And the appearance of a viable home 3D viewing system means just one thing for the adult industry: MONEY!

If, that is, adult producers can get up to speed on 3D technology and production.

It's a good bet that the adult industry will be regularly marketing 3D XXX features within two years. There's no better place in the U.S. to learn about all things 3D than the annual National Stereoscopic Association convention — and fortunately for denizens of "Porn Valley," this year's convention is fairly close to California.

The convention begins on July 9 at the Phoenix Mesa Marriott in Mesa, Arizona, and for an inexpensive admission price, would-be 3D producers can attend workshops on 3D movie and photo creation and projection, see (and buy) the latest 3D movie and photo equipment, and consult with experts in almost every area of 3D media. There's also a "Stereo Theater" which will be projecting 3D stills and movies each afternoon — including a late-night "adults only" show on Friday evening — plus excursions to shoot 3D pictures of local attractions.

As many producers know, AVN has been shooting 3D stills on their sets for several years, and we are about to begin posting 3D photo galleries along with our "On the Set" articles, as well as supplying more hardcore images to those companies for use on their own websites. For example, a 3D image from Wicked Pictures' upcoming extravaganza 2040 can be found here, and a small selection of shots from Girlfriends Films' series Road Queen can be found here.

Bottom line: 3D is the future of porn, and those who don't begin getting up to speed on 3D technology soon will be left behind. So why not start next week?