VR Bangers To Offer In-Room VR/AR In Vegas Hotel Later This Year

Anyone who's spent an evening alone in a hotel room knows perfectly well how lonely those moments can be. Men, of course, can always think about hiring an escort, but not only are such services extremely expensive in bigger cities, that's not an option for anyone who wants to remain loyal to his girlfriend or wife.

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Four years ago, VR Bangers tried to remedy this problem by introducing VR porn movies to one of the popular hotels in Las Vegas. The service was supposed to work in such a way that producers would record realistic VR porn videos in each of the hotel rooms so that later, its users would be able to wear VR goggles and feel as if a professional porn star had just crossed the threshold of their room to spend a passionate night with them, without actually cheating on their significant others. (It's a form of VR known as "augmented reality," or "AR.")

The service was supposed to be comfortable and quite cheap, but back in those days, virtual reality was just taking its baby steps. Eventually, the hotel abandoned this deal because they thought that the VR porn element should only be an addition to a full virtual reality package—and at that time, non-sexual VR movies or virtual reality experiences barely existed.

The initiative failed and the service was never introduced, but VR Bangers proactively announced it in advance and thousands of people wanted to try it out on their own, calling and emailing the studio with questions about the location of the hotel that offered this innovative assistance. Unfortunately, at that time the answer was “nowhere”—yet now, that might be just subject to change.

Several years have passed since the unsuccessful cooperation between VR Bangers and the hotel, and during this time, the VR Bangers studio has not forgotten the idea and instead of making further attempts to negotiate with other hotels (which until now have always failed, because most of them react negatively to the very sound of the word "porn"), the creators decided to develop a kind of a "hotel bypass" to achieve their goal without the help of any resort.

As these VR producers managed to grow over the years, they have launched several new proprietary services, including VRB's Time Capsule, thanks to which, anyone can preserve their sexuality via virtual reality and experience their current sexual prowess in the future; or even by offering the unique VR Porn Head Rig 2.0, allowing one to record VR porn videos in 360 degrees in a more comfortable and enjoyable way than ever before. But now that VR Bangers has enough resources to take on this venture on its own, the company has finally been able to fulfill its "hotel dream".

As a result, VR Bangers began the construction of a professional studio for VR porn videos, in which it will be possible to recreate any set for the production of virtual reality adult scenes—and one of its main goals has been to create virtual hotel rooms based on the rooms in some of the largest establishments in Las Vegas. This way, the dream from a few years ago will finally come true on its own, allowing users of VRBangers.com to fight homesickness during business trips and other lonely nights in hotels.

When a guest turns on the VR Bangers hotel app, he will be able to choose the hotel and the room he is currently in, and then pick the actress that suits him best: girls covering the most popular male sexual fantasies such as maid, waitress or simply that incredibly hot girl next door. This way, VR Bangers doesn't break the law or any hotel regulations while nevertheless solving the problem described above and pushing the initiative of a few years ago to its long-awaited execution.

The construction of the studio is in progress, but VR Bangers claims that it will be completed this year, and its application will enter the market and be available soon afterwards. To keep up to date with this project and be one of the first to learn about the creation of the VR Bangers VR porn hotel app, keep checking in with VRBangers.com.