Scotty JX, the creator of Action Girls, has launched his latest Western-themed website titled Action Girls Western Babes. Scotty JX pushed the Action Girls brand to new heights by breaking off several new niche sites under the Action Girls company umbrella. This new Western site is only the first of many to come, Director Scotty JX promises.
"This site has been two years in the making and I'm really proud to announce its launch," Scotty JX said. "Fans of the Action Girl Western series will no longer have to wait for updates."
All high-definition resolution photos and videos are updated monthly and offered in Windows Media, Quicktime and Reel Player formats. Videos feature music by Soil, Hanzel und Gretyl, Art of Dying and many other guest bands.
"Scotty JX is like Hugh Hefner, Stanley Kubrick and Arnold Schwarzenegger trapped inside one man's fevered brain," Kaizer Von Loopy of Hanzel und Gretyl said.
Action Girls Western Babes showcases adult starlets Erica Campbell, Kathy Lee, Susana Spears, Sophie Moone, Liliane Tiger, Clara Hunter, Marketa Morgan, Angel Dark, Hana Black and Irena Stevens, with many more to come.
For more information, visit the Action Girls Western Babes and Action Girls websites.