Priscila Magossi: Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder

Adult entertainment offers a very wide range of products that depend on a lot of people. Naturally, this huge workforce is not homogeneous and we can find all types of ethnic and racial diversity. While in the backstage it is easy to notice this melting pot of cultural values, in front of the cameras it is not so common to see such variety in every platform. New Camming Perspective (NCP) has placed value on all kinds of performers by putting them in the spotlight—that is, a place for all body types and personalities.

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What is beauty after all?

The historical understanding of beauty is important, as societies tended to see beauty according to traits that were desirable, usually those that are associated to the upper classes. Hence, chubby ladies in the Renaissance (circa 1492) were the most beautiful ones while the peasants were usually thin—and being thin was linked to disease. In the modern day, our societies have an excess of calorie intake; most people in developed countries are overweight, so, the idea of healthy has become the opposite.

Thin models on the runways, slim actresses that wear size small. This is not by chance. In my first scientific research (2003, Mackenzie, SP-BRAZIL), I assessed the formatting of the female image by the mass media, deriving from the works of Adorno (1972, 1996). The term “media” derives from mediation, something that mediates reality. Thus, they project unreal images of bodies that are considered healthy but in reality are unachievable for ordinary people. All in lieu of creating the desire to satisfy one’s needs through the acquisition of products that will convey the symbols that we believe are necessary. In Freudian terms (1928), we join into the civilization which had oppressed us.

The reason for this control of the mind is the control of the money!

If there is only one stereotype it becomes easier to control the desires people have and get the status associated to the symbols that we have learned to love!

Let me give you an example:

It is by aging that we acquire more experience and knowledge. However, it is not a good thing in our society that desires to see only young people in the spotlight. Regarding women, it is even worse. It’s very rare to see women with gray hair in the media, while much more common to see men. Furthermore, lying about one’s age is so common that it isn’t even an offense anymore for any gender.

How is it applied to the camming industry?

The adult camming scene is no exception to reality. So far it has incorporated the only standard acceptable to media that sells products, building upon postmodern frustrations/dissatisfaction. However, people are not products. New Camming Perspective (NCP) understands this and has provided the same opportunity to different kinds of styles, helping to develop models’ careers. The future doesn’t have to be bleak; it can be bright and colored!


Adorno, T. and Horkheimer, M. Dialectics of Enlightenment. New York: Herder and Herder, 1972.

________. Aesthetic Theory. University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

FREUD, S. The Future of an Illusion. London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1928.


Priscila Magossi is a journalist (Mackenzie-SP/Brazil, 2002-2005) with a Master’s degree (2006-2008) and a Ph.D. (2010-2014) in Communication and Semiotics (PUC-SP/Brazil). Since she has started her journey in the communication field, she has been studying the impacts of the Mass Media and the Cyberculture in the post-modern society, focusing primarily on the social bonds dynamics.

Regarding her main activities in the camming industry, Magossi is the author of the New Camming Perspective, a formal study about camming that also looks into the porn industry, the mainstream media, and social behavior in order to draw conclusions. This new approach for understanding camming is centered on the main concepts of (1) Building Connections between models and members through the (2) Social Aspect of Camming, which is only possible to be developed when in touch with access to the (3) Social Traffic.