CPA platform CrakRevenue has announced the launch of BangBros Tube HD, in what the company is calling “the world’s biggest collection of HD Porn.”
During its official launch, for one week only—from June 15 to June 22, 2015—CrakRevenue affiliates will benefit from a $40 PPS payout bump.
“Hardcore pay sites have always converted really well. They have a track record of performing, and historically, these are the offers that have generated the most revenue in CrakRevenue’s platform in total,” said Vincent Fréchette.
“Having said that, you can imagine what happens when you bring to the table a hardcore tube with only HD content: the world ends up being yours,” Fréchette claimed.
A company rep stated that the BangBros Tube HD launch was inspired by one of America’s most iconic movies, known for one memorable quote:
“First You get the money.
Then you get the power.
And then you get the women.”
“With BangBros Tube HD, you get all three of them,” noted Lynnard Sarduy, Product Manager.
"A partnership between CrakRevenue and BangBros is something we knew we always wanted to do. Without question, BangBros has content that is unmatched in quality and caliber,” stated Axel Vézina, Vice-President monetization.
CrakRevenue fully expects this promotional launch to kick off with a bang.