Bill & Ted Get Parodied By Porn In A Most Sexcellent Adventure

WOODLAND HILLS, Calif.—If you think that Abe Lincoln not being a tall naked babe is bogus, or that Joan of Arc was Noah’s hot sister, or that Caesar was a “salad-tossing dude,” then get ready to party on, dudes, and check out the sexiest figures in history. presents the naked photo collection, "Bill & Ted’s SEXcellent Adventure."

In the sexiest photographic spoof of Keanu Reeves movies to ever hit the internet, pays tribute to one of their favorite 1980s time-traveling comedies by XXX-ifying Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure with some of the most erotic cosplay this side of San Dimas.

Photographed by Chad Duerksen (The Royal Tenendongs, Weird & Naked UHF), "Bill & Ted’s SEXcellent Adventure" features models Vuko, Lily Bergman and Jessica Dawn portraying sexy parodies of Bill, Ted and all of your favorite characters like, Rufus, Missy, Genghis Khan, Freud, Socrates, Abe Lincoln, the Princesses, and more.

Check out "Bill & Ted’s SEXcellent Adventure" for free at

Mixing porn, comedy, and pop culture and entertaining adults worldwide, makes sex even more fun. Creating popular high-quality content like Strokemon, Ask A Porn Star, Game of Bones, Gnardians of the Galaxy, Bob's Boners, Porn Stars Read Hate Mail, and giving it away for free, is the future of porn. has been featured on Buzzfeed, Gawker, Uproxx, Gizmodo, AV Club, Spin, Rolling Stone, GQ, Vice, Esquire, The Hollywood Reporter, @Midnight, Bon Appetit, and more.