AUSTIN, TX—If you happen to be in Austin today and have nothing to do—then you must be dead! The incredibly awesome SXSW Festival is currently taking place, and from all accounts the city is rocking off its foundations.
For those of you lucky enough to be there and wondering what sort of adult entertainment offerings the festival is providing, there are two to choose from, but unfortunately they both take place at the same time today, Monday. That wasn’t very nice of the planners, but at least there are two great sessions for the porn-addicted or addled.
For those among that group itching to get some face time with a real porn star—and an incredible one, to boot—Nina Hartley will be holding court at 5:00 pm in Hilton H. Her panel session is called “Nina Hartley: Porn Star, Sex Educator, Social Networker,” and will also features Kyra Reed and Marjorie Case from MarKyr Media.
The session description reads, “With a career spanning over 25 years, Adult film star Nina Hartley has seen it all - from the explosion of VHS to the advent of internet porn. In this session, Nina and her social media brain trust, MarKyr Media's Marjorie Kase and Kyra Reed, will be discussing how the web has been both a blessing and a curse for industry players and how that's now changing thanks to social networking technology.”
Also at 5:00 pm today, but taking place in Hilton E under the Core Conversation category, is “Future Smut: How to Become an 'Adult Webmaster,'” featuring Q Boyer from TopBucks Mobile and LAJay from Cybernet Expo.
Their session, which will most certainly be more entertaining than it reads, is nonetheless described thusly: “From selecting a hosting solution to acquiring content, legal issues to the basics of search engine optimization, the panel would cover a wide swath of issues and challenges that face entrepreneurs making their first foray into the Internet-based sector of the adult entertainment industry.”
There are innumerable other incredible events to be enjoyed and experiences to be had at SXSW, which began Friday and runs through Sunday, March 21. For more information, click here.