LOS ANGELES — Award-winning lubricant manufacturer Wicked Sensual Care has donated a percentage of the June proceeds from its entire simply™ collection to LGBTQ+ organizations The Trevor Project and The Marsha P Johnson Institute. Towards this end, Wicked Sensual Care is also announcing the debut of simply™ Aqua Special Edition, with a percentage of its proceeds dedicated to supporting various LGBTQIA organizations and communities for perpetuity.
Wicked Sensual Care’s line of simply products feature clean ingredients, including its signature olive leaf extract. Formulated without propylene glycol or glycerin, all simply products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and paraben-free.
A company spokesperson at Wicked Sensual Care said, “We created simply Aqua Special Edition as a way of supporting LGBTQ+ organizations dedicated to raising awareness and offering aid to those in need.” They continue, “Every year millions of people are helped by these groups and it’s a great honor to be able to pledge continual support. As allies and accomplices, our support of the LGBTQ+ communities is constant, and our Pride is active year-round.”
To learrn more about, or to donate to the organizations, please visit TheTrevorProject.org and MarshaP.org.
For more information about simply Aqua Special Edition, contact your Wicked Sensual Care sales rep or email Sales@WickedSensualCare.com.
For more information, visit WickedSensualCare.com.