Swiss Navy Launches International B2B Support Hub

POMPANO BEACH, Florida—M.D.. Science Lab, parent company of the Swiss Navy line of products, has launched a new online hub for its retail customers in over 48 countries offering product information in multiple languages.

“We want to help our international partners align with their consumers' needs,” said Briana Watkins, ACS, vice president of sales and marketing for M.D. Science Lab. “We have put together product videos with multilingual subtitles that can be used for retail associate training or played on monitors within retail shops.”

Information for subtitled videos can be found on Swiss Navy’s B2B site and can be downloaded in multiple formats.

“Our multilingual product videos are currently available in Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Russian,” said Watkins. “But we encourage retailers that need other languages to contact their sales representatives so that we can ensure their needs are met.”

She added, “We value our global partners and are always working to ensure they have the information and support they need to continue being successful. Creating an international hub is just one more way we can help our customers’ businesses grow.”

For more information, visit