AUBURN, Wash.—Lovers, a sexual wellness brand and retailer, has launched its annual philanthropic marketing campaign, Feel Good, Do Good, Give Good.
In August of 2024, Lovers surveyed its retail associates to select four causes that align with Lovers’ mission as a judgment-free sexual wellness retailer. Lovers is committing $5,000 per organization to uplift the four 501c3 non-profits organizations over the next 12 months.
The causes that associates selected included reproductive rights, sex education, advocacy for LGBTQIA+ communities, and domestic violence/sexual assault survivors. Lovers committed to supporting those marginalized communities that need support now more than ever, a company representative said. Every quarter, the company will partner with a new non-profit and sex tech vendor partners to raise awareness and donations for these causes.
Lovers kicked off the first round of its initiative today, February 13, to align with Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week, and has chosen Planned Parenthood as the first of its donation recipients.
Lovers has already raised $20,000 in donations with the help of vendor partners NS Novelties, Lelo and Doc Johnson. Additional donations will be collected at all 40 Lovers stores across five states (Tennessee, Texas, California, Washington and Oregon) and on through April 30. One hundred percent of donation proceeds raised will be donated directly to the nonprofits chosen, so customers who donate can “Feel Good when they Do Good and Give Good.”
“At Lovers, part of our mission is standing on the forefront of social change and supporting causes that align with our values. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for all people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. This work is more important and timely than ever due to the current administration’s choices and their commitment to undermining the crucial organizations that benefit communities and causes that need to be supported and uplifted,” said Jen May, vice president of marketing and brand operations for Lovers.
“This marks the third year in a row that Lovers has run donation-based campaigns, and we are excited to build on the momentum from 2024. With the support of our vendor partners, Evolved and Wicked, and our generous customers, we were able to raise $41,653 to support the Transgender Law Center. Lovers store associates were so motivated to fundraise that we saw an increase of 158 percent over 2023 customer-raised donations,” she added.
Lovers will soon announce the additional organization recipients of these donations along with corresponding vendor partnerships.