LELO’s ‘Beyond The Wave’ Set To Screen At Cannes Film Festival

SAN JOSE, Calif.—LELO officials announced the company’s short film Beyond the Wave has secured a spot in the 68th Cannes Film festival, from May 13-24 in France. 

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Beyond the Wave stars Casper van Dien (Starship Troopers, Sleepy Hollow) and is directed by Goran Gajic. Beyond the Wave also stars Emilie Ohana (Paris, Je t’aime) and introduces newcomer Zhu Wei Ling.

It’s the first film ever produced by a sex toy company, but does not feature any sex toys or any of LELO’s luxury intimate accessories. 

Instead, its non-linear narrative with an open structure explores the male–female relationship, meditates on perspectives, love and solitude as central to human existence. Set in the near future, the film examines the interactions between a man and two women, and how those interactions aren’t always all they seem. It explores the importance of communication in a time of increasing self-interest and worse communication. It is a parable, and a warning. 

“We are honored to have been selected to screen at Cannes,” said Steve Thomson, head of marketing at LELO. “Every day we see the world become more individualistic and fragmented. This movie is a creative intervention, designed to do what LELO does best: bring people together. That’s what’s at the heart of what we do and at the heart of the film too, and it does that in a way that goes way beyond what people expect from a pleasure brand like ours. It engages couples, encouraging them to get closer and the Festival De Cannes is the perfect platform from which to share this increasingly important message.” 

“When I read the script, the project spoke to me on a personal level,” added Van Dien, the film’s star. “I think many people in 2015 can feel lonely and disconnected even when someone is right beside them. Beyond the Wave shows the importance of not only relying on yourself, of not just communicating or spending time with someone, but genuinely trying to understand your partner’s perspective. So many arguments could be avoided if we just paused for a moment and put ourselves in our partner’s shoes.” 

Beyond the Wave has been entered as a drama and will screen at the Short Film Corner at Cannes Court. 

Director Gajic (Babylon 5, Oz), said, “Cannes is an ideal film festival for a movie with structure, sophistication, nuance and a message, as we tried to convey in Beyond the Wave. I hope the other film festivals will be able to recognize its value as well.” 

The movie is accompanied by an interactive experience, called PlayTogether that can only be watched with a partner— a world first. PlayTogether can be accessed at the movie’s official website www.BeyondTheWaveMovie.com along with the official trailer and bonus behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with the cast and LELO team. 

PlayTogether takes people on a journey into the world of the movie and requires two viewers, sitting beside each other, to sync-up their phones and make choices about the video displayed across both their screens, to determine what scene they’ll see next; helping couples’ appreciate their partner’s perspective, and bringing everyone closer together both physically and emotionally. 

Steve Thomson said, “Our goal with Beyond the Wave is to encourage couples to connect both with the story, and through the act of watching the movie itself. That’s also the thinking behind PlayTogetherTM. It’s meant as a fun way for people to get a sneak peak at the movie. It brings couples closer together and encourages them not merely to sit in the same room but to engage with each other’s point-of-view and to spark a unique interaction.” 

More information and the official trailer can be viewed on the official movie site, BeyondTheWaveMovie.com, and also on LELO’s website LELO.com