Empire Labs Offers $1 Million For The Biebs To Endorse Product

LOS ANGELES—If Justin Bieber is OK with his dad posting comments about his penis on Twitter, how does he feel about being offered $1 million to endorse the popular Clone-A-Willy product?

The Biebs has been making plenty of headlines lately: First, he was photographed in the nude while on vacation in Bora Bora and the pics were subsequently published in the New York Daily News; then, after the world got a glimpse of his impressive manhood, his dad sent a Tweet complimenting said manhood; and now, Empire Labs has made a substantial offer to the pop singer to endorse their product.

"Justin Bieber, he's popular, talented and now as the entire world knows ... quite well-endowed.,”  Empire Labs, makers of the Clone-A-Willy kits, wrote in a letter sent of Bieber’s agent and The Huffington Post. “You can only imagine ... a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and ‘Clone-A-Willy’ in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn't hurt his ‘dating’ life.”

While we now know that Bieber had his attorneys send a cease-and-desist letter to the New York Daily News, no word yet on if or when he will reply to the do-it-yourself dildo people.