PEMBROKE PARK, Fla.—Adventure Industries has begun shipping its latest offering, Kratomite Shots. Following positive feedback from retailers who sampled the elixir at recent shows, the distributor is fielding a flood of orders.
First introduced as an e-cigarette, Kratomite products feature the medicinal herb kratom, used for its anti-pain/pro-pleasure effects. In concentrated liquid form, Kratomite may help relieve stress and pain, relax sore muscles, and enhance intimate moments.
Kratomite began drawing media attention after its debut at the International Lingerie Show in March, expanding the brand name beyond the adult industry. Convenience Store News featured Kratomite e-cigarettes as its “Product of the Day” as well as one of its “Top 5 Products” for the month of April. Adventure Industries expects more of the same now that Kratomite Shots—the brand-new three-ounce servings of a formula infused with kratom—are en route to store shelves. Packaged in 12-bottle counter displays, Kratomite Shots feature a bold, colorful design that quickly draws the eye’s attention.
Understanding that the “you gotta try this” approach would build interest quickly, Adventure supplied samples to dozens of retailers at a local show. Eager to provide feedback, a group of staffers from Fairvilla offered the following:
“It's like getting off a plane in Key West ... feeling good and feeling no pain—and you are not sure why.” (Tom Berger)
“Kratomite took my hangover away, gave me a rush of energy and just made me feel good.” (Jacques Maurice)
“I felt really happy and overall really relaxed, like I didn’t have a care in the world! (Ashley Mathewes)
Kratomite Shots are available in 12-piece display packs, and Kratomite E-cigarettes are available in 40-piece display packs. To place orders or learn more, interested retailers can call (800) 999-2483 x1287, email or visit