Discord servers marked NSFW will be accessible only to users of Android and other non-iOS devices
Discord servers marked NSFW will be accessible only to users of Android and other non-iOS devices
Credit card issuer says banks issuing Mastercards must guarantee that adult sites obtain clear consent for explicit images.
FCC board remains deadlocked with two Republicans and two Democrats, preventing new policies.
Nearly 35,000 films were censored in Italy between 1944 and 1998, including ‘Last Tango in Paris’
Letter authored by activist group Decrim Now opposes ‘Nordic Model’ of decriminalization
In Brazil’s sixth-largest city, sex workers say they should be classified as front-line workers
Michael Lacey and James Larkin had fought to get rid of Judge Susan Brnovich at least since last October.
‘We Too: Essays on Sex Work and Survival’ collects essays by sex workers revealing their daily lives and struggles
Prosecutors say they have already turned over 5,000 pages of evidence, with 200 more on the way
Law under consideration could lead to removal of any sexually oriented content on Australia’s internet.
Plans in place to introduce similar legislation next in home state of Michigan, says founder