Savage Love Column Plugs Small Hands, Pans Prop 60

PORN VALLEY—Over the 25 years (!) that Dan Savage has penned his sex advice column Savage Love, he’s shared many perceptive thoughts about adult entertainment and its rightful place in healthy sexual relationships. And in his column this week, published widely on alternative newspaper sites (including this one), Savage demonstrates just how conversant he is with the current state of the adult industry.

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First, quite fortuitously for the crew at BurningAngel Entertainment, a writer using the moniker Salivating About Male Performer’s Lovely Exterior (SAMPLE) has a thing for BurningAngel regular Small Hands. The correspondent asks, “Is there a way to ask a porn star to please make a few movies in a certain way?”

Of course, anybody working in adult is thinking, “Yes, yes, yes—please pay me for a custom video.” And indeed, the column makes that point, but Savage also takes the time to reach out to Small Hands directly to ask the question.

Sadly for SAMPLE, Small Hands responds, “I can’t provide special clips for this fan—as much as I would love to—because running our company and editing the films and composing music for them doesn’t leave us much time for anything else.”

Savage also gives a shout out to Joanna Angel, BurningAngel co-founder (and Small Hands’ fiancée), explaining to anybody who needs an explanation that “‘Alt-porn’ has nothing to do with ‘alt-right.’ The alt-right is about racism, anti-Semitism, and orange fascists—and alt-porn is about tattoos, piercings, and sexy fuckers.”

Savage also spends a significant chunk of the space devoted to answering SAMPLE on another topic. To wit:

“While we’re on the subject of porn: If you look at Small Hands’ Twitter account, or the Twitter account of any porn performer working today, you’ll notice that most have “NO ON 60” as their avatar.” The columnist goes on to give an overview of the debate on Proposition 60, including a quote from the San Francisco Chronicle’s “No on 60” editorial, and issues this call to action:

“If you’re a reader who lives in California, please vote no on 60. If you’re a reader who doesn’t live in California, please encourage your friends and relatives living in California to vote no on 60. And if you’re an editor at the SF Chronicle, please retire the term “porn-addled stalkers.” (While some porn stars have indeed been stalked, porn doesn’t cause an otherwise healthy, nonabusive and sane person to become a stalker.)

So take that piece of advice from Dan Savage—because he’s seen and heard a lot of bullshit over the years, and he’s more than able to recognize grade-A fertilizer when he sees it. Retweet: #NoProp60.

Need more ammunition to fight the pro-60 arguments? Read yesterday's anti-60 editorial published by the San Diego Union-Tribune.