Measure B Passes, Landslide Victory for Proposition 35 - UPDATE

LOS ANGELES—The Associated Press has announced that Proposition 35, the so-called anti-human trafficking measure that increases sentences and fines as well as expands the definition of who qualifies as a human trafficker, has been approved by California voters by a very wide margin.

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“With 17 percent of precincts reporting, California voters are supporting the law by a massive margin of 83.2 percent to 16.8 percent,” reported the LA Weekly.

The proposition was opposed by leading newspapers in the state, including the Los Angeles Times, but it was also endorsed by a “long list of prosecutors, law enforcement officials and politicians,” the Times noted, as well as being bankrolled to the tune of $2 million by “Chris Kelly, Facebook’s former privacy chief and an unsuccessful candidate for California attorney general in 2010.”

In the other ballot measure that impacts the adult entertainment industry even more than Prop. 35 does, Measure B, the L.A. County initiative to make the failure to use barrier protection on adult sets subject to criminal prosecution, is too close to call; with 14 percent of precincts having reported (736 precincts out of 4.993), according to the Los Angeles County Registrar, the measure is currently supported by slightly more than 61 percent of voters. The margins have closed slightly, though, as more returns have been posted to the official government website. Whether or not opponents can make up the difference remains to be seen.

Oh, and President Obama was re-elected.


At 11:20pm, with 20 percent of the precincts reporting (1,018 out of 4,993), Measure B now sports a 60.99 percent approval, 39.01 percent opposed, with 454,694 voting for it, 290,835 against.


At 11:40pm, with 33 percent of the precincts reporting (1,679 out of 4,993), Measure B supporters have slightly widened their lead, now sporting 60.45 percent approval, 39.55 percent opposed, with 513,580 voting for it, 336,001 against.

At an industry rally a few weeks ago, James Lee, the head of the campaign against Measure B said, "You now have to convince 4.2 million voters in LA County, of which 3.1 million actually vote, which means for this measure to be defeated, you have to convince 1.55 million people in this county." 513,580 of those 1.5 million voters have been convinced, with 2 million or so votes left to tally. 

Proposition 35 has also maintained its "landslide" status.


A midnight update for 38 percent of precincts shows the approximate 60/40 split in favor of Measure B holding.


12:20am. Same basic percentage lead for supporters, with 42 percent or 2,143 out of 4,993 precincts reporting.


12:40am. 45 percent of precincts reporting, 59.17 percent (633,576) for, 40.83 percent (437,149) against Measure B.


1:00am. 49 percent of precincts reporting, 58.91 percent (666,651) for, 41.09 percent (464,922) against Measure B.


2:00am. 60 percent of precincts reporting, 57.77 percent (777,678) for, 42.23 percent (568,483) against Measure B.


All precincts were finally accounted for at 5:23am, the morning after the election. Measure B passed by a vote of 1,171,287 to 925,782. 55.85 percent of voters approved the measure, 44.15 percent opposed, far shy of the anticipated 3 million plus total votes.